The notorious roundabout that connects the eastern and western side of Lake Macquarie and leaves thousands of frustrated drivers log jammed every day is getting a congestion busting upgrade.
The NSW government has already committed $11 million to improving the Speers Point roundabout, but wants the community's feedback on several additional improvements.
The upgrade will change traffic movements on Five Islands Road, restricting movements into and out of Creek Reserve Road as well as providing a dedicated left turn lane on TC Frith Avenue.
The upgrade will also seek to improve walking and cycling connections as well as public transport facilities, to help support more sustainable modes of transport.
Transport for NSW is also considering installing traffic lights at the intersection of TC Frith Avenue and Seventh Street, which would also involve extending the two lanes in each direction on TC Frith Avenue from The Esplanade to north of Seventh Street.
Independent Lake Macquarie MP Greg Piper said the congestion around Speers Point had been a source of frustration for the community for many years.
"During peak periods traffic can often bank back for several kilometres along TC Frith Avenue and this is happening seven days of the week," Mr Piper said.
"Progress on this long-awaited project will be a welcome relief to residents who lose valuable hours travelling on these roads every day. I encourage all residents to take this opportunity to review Transport for NSW's plans and to provide feedback into the design options proposed."
Community members can provide feedback on the proposed upgrade options by visiting haveyoursay.nsw.gov.au/speers-point and making a submission before June 23.
Port Stephens road rehab blitz
Port Stephens Council has completed a $10-million rehabilitation of Tomaree Road in Shoal Bay.
"With new kerb and gutters, road pavement reconstruction and minor drainage repairs - it looks fantastic," deputy mayor Leah Anderson said.
"This is only the beginning - the community would have already seen improvements to Italia Road, East Seaham, Swan Bay Road, Swan Bay and Rookes Road, Salt Ash as part of this commitment. Coming up next is Beach Road, Nelson Bay.
"A high-quality road network reduces congestion and helps improve connections by allowing our community to move around Port Stephens more easily."
Council infrastructure director Greg Kable said the thoroughfares on the hit list were "considered our worst roads" based on community feedback.
"We're making the most of the funding and have selected roads from right across Port Stephens - with works intending to reduce ongoing maintenance costs and improve road safety where possible," he said.
The roads selected for rehabilitation include:
- Fairlands Road, Medowie
- Rookes Road, Salt Ash
- Swan Bay Road, Swan Bay
- Avenue of the Allies, Tanilba Bay
- Tomaree Road, Shoal Bay
- Beach Road, Nelson Bay
- Short Street, Fingal Bay
- Trevally Street, Nelson Bay
- Italia Road, East Seaham
- East Seaham Road, East Seaham