Bob Kerslake states that Downing Street has betrayed the civil service (1 February). Surely it is we the people who have been betrayed by the civil service?
Maggie Owen
Hockwold, Norfolk
• In response to Richard Smith (Letters, 31 January): yes, Deezer allows you to transfer your Spotify favourites over easily, but if this is meant to be a protest against Spotify’s hosting of Joe Rogan you will be disappointed. Deezer also hosts some of his material.
Tracy Berger
Brisbane, Australia
• My Welsh grandmother had a raft of funny sayings (Letters, 1 February), but my favourite was when she had an indiscreet moment and would say, “An empty house is better than having a bad tenant”. I will let readers work out what the indiscretion was.
Ralph Griffiths
Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire
• Was Emma Howard Boyd’s letter a serious defence of the performance of the Environment Agency in combating pollution (30 January)? If so, her admission that the EA, which she chairs, received “more than 76,000” reports of incidents last year and managed to respond to “hundreds” rather undermines her efforts.
Colin Piper
Winchester, Hampshire
• Will correspondents please stop listing institutions we can be proud of. You are just giving the Tories ideas for what to destroy next.
Lawrence Ahlemeyer
Beckenham, London
• The prime minister’s position: un10able.
Martin Constantinides
Ely, Cambridgeshire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication.