A number of Manchester Evening News readers have shared their experiences of trying to get hold of basic and cough and cold remedies as national pharmacy leaders warned of shortages.
The Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies (AIMP) said pharmacists across the country were struggling to obtain supplies of the most common cold and flu medicines including both branded and unbranded throat lozenges, cough mixtures and some painkillers, particularly those that were soluble.
“The demand has been high because this season we’ve seen higher cases of colds and flu and people are obviously trying very hard to look after themselves and making sure that they use the relevant products to manage the symptoms.
READ MORE: Pharmacy bosses issue warning over shortage of cough and cold medicines
"And that has led to a shortage of these products in terms of us not being able to obtain them" AIMP chief executive Leyla Hannbeck said.
And readers got in touch to sa that this chimed with this experience of trying to get hold of such items at chemists and stores across the region.

Viv-ien Rainford said on the M.E.N's Facebook page : "I know that, went everywhere yesterday, shops, pharmacies, not a cough bottle in sight."
Kerry Marie Heron said: "I've been for antibiotics today none in stock and shelves were empty for calpol and all cough medicines."
Becky Eagland: "And this is just being noticed now? Its been like this for weeks." Shell Whittaker agreed saying: "Old news been like this for months."
Carole Sherlock said: "Shelves were bare yesterday and tried 4 different places including several chemists and apparently they can't get hold of new stock.
"Ended up buying lemons to go with honey. Never that convinced on how effective over the counter medicine is and hopefully cough will go of its own accord in time with or without lozenges and cough mixture."
Joshua Wells said: "Oh same. I’ve just been using supplements, vit c shock therapy and zinc shock therapy to try help my symptoms. Homemade Elder berry syrup is actually pretty good. All I could do!"
Others said they swore by homemade remedies. Jay Jay said: "I never do over the counter cough syrup... I always try home remedies or herbal!" whilst Louise Shenton Lysaght said: "Fresh Lemon and ginger do the trick!
Several people said they found supplies readily available in supermarkets and pound stores. However, Kelly Lake said: "The shelves are empty in the supermarkets, people must be panic buying it."
Ms Hannbeck, whose group represents community-based pharmacy businesses with multiple stores, warned that a shortage of self-care products in pharmacies could lead to more pressure for the NHS.
She accused the government of“being in denial” over problems with the supply chain and of a 'lack of planning' in dealing with the problems.
Read more of today's headlines here
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