Kim Kardashian 's daughter North West has proved herself to be the ultimate prankster as she pretended to shave her mom's eyebrows when she was sleeping.
North West shared footage of her 'fake' altering the beauty moguls brow in a 23-second clip as the awkward encounter was posted to their shared TikTok account and amassed 4.7M views.
The brief clip began with the nine-year-old whispering to herself while carrying a pink eyebrow razor to her 42-year-old mother's bedroom in their $60M Hidden Hills mansion.
North then appears to shave right above Kim's naturally bushy brows and said: ''Mom, wake up. Wake up.''
But fortunately for the reality star, West actually switched on an eyebrow filter to create the illusion that she'd streamlined the stars natural brows.

Kardashian stirred a bit before replying: 'Yeah, I'm awake.'
But as soon as the beauty empire owner saw her filtered reflection on the mischievous child's phone her eyes widened and she exclaimed: ''North, this is not funny!''
The pre-teen - who boasts 11.3M TikTok followers — found the prank hilarious as posed: ''The fake eyebrows filter that's so funny ha ha!''
Due to Kim's star-status and modelling she normally only allows her eyebrows to be tended to by 'Eyebrow Queen' Anastasia Soare and her trusted make-up artist Mario Dedivanovic.

Meanwhile Kim had been treating her daughter to a festive bedroom makeover then giving her followers a video tour of the room.
The featured decor included a Christmas tree that was adorned with sparkling white fairy lights as well as some hanging decorations that caused a little controversy.
Fans could see ornaments that depicted stacks of $100 bills hanging from the tree as well as cameras – seemingly in a nod to their highly lucrative showbiz lifestyle.

The video posted to Kim and North's shared TikTok account also showed North adding decorations to the tree herself.
But besides splashing the cash on a festive set up – Kim's possibly not seen the last of similar pranks as her busy brood.
Kim is of course mum to son Saint, 7; daughter Chicago Noel, turning 5 next month; and son Psalm Ye, 3 - from her six-year marriage to ex-husband #3 Kanye 'Ye' West, which ended in 2021.
Last month, Kim and the canceled 45-year-old finally settled their divorce and 80/20 custody arrangement, which entails him paying her $200K/month in child support.