A charity is calling for more Government help as families struggle to cope with the rising cost of living.
The Cedarwood Trust, based on the Meadow Well Estate in North Shields, has seen an increase in the number of people it is supporting.
The group started a new food membership scheme in late October, where people pay £4 a week into a pot and in return receive £15 of fresh food.
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It is designed to help those living on the breadline or those whose income and expenditure fluctuate.
Figures show that the charity is helping almost 200 households – amounting to more than 1,000 people.
Of the members, 20% are in employment, 25% are retired and the remaining are unemployed and on benefits.
Wayne Dobson, the charity's CEO, says more people are joining the scheme daily as they struggle with rises in food, energy and petrol prices and also face a hike in National Insurance payments from April.
He said: "The few pounds a week they are saving with us might mean they can take their kids out for a treat, or do something positive for themselves. Or it could mean they don’t have to make the impossible choice between eating or putting on the heating for a bit.

"People are struggling a great deal. With gas and electricity, we are seeing people who are living constantly on credit on their meters.
"They are also having to choose between buying food or getting cleaning or personal hygiene products - it can come down to washing powder or food.
"Everybody is living it - including people who are working. Everyone is living to the maximum of their income. There's no slippage, no money left to save.
"I worry that this will also start to reduce our children's opportunities. If people are struggling to the maximum of their income, they are going to stop children's sports and other activities. For example, they might not be able to pay subscriptions to go to football."
He says the Government should scrap the National Insurance increase due to come in and provide a package of support to help people struggling with the rise in costs.
"The Government has got to really think about levelling up and what it means for our communities," said Mr Dobson.
"We are asking the Government to do more and not to add to this running cost of living increase. They need to stop the National Insurance rise."
The majority of the charity’s stock, including food and household goods, is donated. Last year, more than 20 tonnes of food was given to the group.
Mr Dobson said: “I have never seen the store so busy before. We can have four people shopping at once, and when I came in the other day there was a queue of 19 people waiting to shop. The next day there were 17.
“Every week our membership is increasing and it is becoming a real lifeline for people."

Food distribution co-ordinator, Andy Urwin, says there is "hidden poverty" in the community, with people who are in full-time employment also struggling.
He added: "People are really starting to feel the pinch. It only takes one unexpected bill, like a car breakdown or a boiler repair, and you are up against it. It's just hard for everybody."
He said donations of household and personal hygiene products were most needed at the moment, as they were "flying off the shelf".
Anyone wishing to help can contact the centre at Avon Avenue in North Shields.