Recently, North Korean balloons suspected of carrying waste were observed in South Korea, escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The South Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff reported a balloon flying in northern Gyeonggi Province, bordering Seoul, prompting the Seoul Metropolitan government to issue a warning to citizens.
North Korea has been sending balloons towards South Korea as retaliation for activists flying leaflets critical of Kim Jong Un's regime. A recent analysis of balloons sent in May and June revealed parasites and human genes in the soil, possibly originating from human feces.
The balloons also contained damaged clothes from a South Korean brand and imitations of Disney characters, indicating hostility towards South Korean goods. This incident comes amidst heightened tensions in the region, with North Korea vowing to expand its nuclear arsenal and threatening to use it against the South.

As part of efforts to address the situation, a US Navy aircraft carrier arrived in South Korea for trilateral exercises with South Korea and Japan. Additionally, US and South Korean officials signed a new memorandum of understanding on diplomatic intelligence sharing and analysis.
A joint statement issued by Japanese, South Korean, and US officials expressed grave concern over the deepening military cooperation between Russia and North Korea. The statement condemned arms transfers from North Korea to Russia, violating UN Security Council Resolutions and threatening stability in Northeast Asia and Europe.