Well this is a nice surprise to start the year. With 2025 set to be dominated musically by the Oasis reunion shows starting in June, this guest appearance by Noel Gallagher on a shabby-psychedelic new single by Mantra of the Cosmos is a surprise.
Most musicians on a countdown to the comeback tour are busy keeping their powder (and livers) dry under the watchful eye of management, lawyers, corporate partners and record company wraiths.
Instead, Noel has joined this old pal supergroup featuring some of rock’s most legendary nutcases: Shaun Ryder and Bez from the Happy Mondays, and Zak Starkey and Andy Bell from pre-split Oasis (no word yet on if either will be in the new touring band).

Mantra of the Cosmos formed in, and excellently titled, single Gorilla Guerilla. This new one is even crazier.
Domino Bones (Gets Dangerous) is six minutes of barely controlled mayhem – or at least the extended version we’ve heard is – with a false start of messy samples that kicks into a heavy acid-rock groove, diverts off into The Blues Brothers’ Peter Gunn Theme, as Ryder scuzz-raps “slow motion I just dropped some kind of potion now I’ve got a crazy notion, why my brain won’t function”, before ending on an extended guitar freak-out.
Noel contributes vocals to the chorus, which suddenly clarifies that this isn’t some wild drug-fuelled jam but a misty-eyed slice of nostalgia for those wild drug-fuelled days.

“Remember when we were young, we see that life’s what you make it, you’ll never get it back so let it shine on…”
Fair to say they’re not regretting the crack, smack, tabs and bricks.
Shaun rejoins to laud, “Everything we did didn’t faze us, amazed us, amazed us, everything we did was dangerous…”
Ah man, the good old days indeed. Makes you slightly worry about the upcoming Oasis tour when many thousands of parents will be getting their chance to relive the Nineties only with middle-aged bodies that may collapse under the strain.
And worry about the nice Gen-Z kids who idolise the era but whose gig experience is just the Eras tour; Oasis crowds are a little more, er, mad for it.
Anyway, this is marvellous fun, perhaps a marker for a year that is less boring in music than we have become accustomed to.

The song will be available to buy as a vinyl release on January 19, and can either be purchased at a gig the band are doing at the Cavern Club that day (the first time Zak Starkey, who is of course Ringo Starr’s son, has actually been to the Liverpool venue where The Beatles famously honed their craft) and at the Cavern Club store.
It’s definitely a very good vinyl buy. Starkey calls the track “Free Bird for Mods”, which is a hell of a line. Noel, for his part, has commented, “Mantra Of The Cosmos is like Dylan, Dali and Ginsberg on a rocketship to the moon to have it with the Clangers.”
Ah, the one-liners are back too. 2025 is the Nineties 2.0. Get the vitamins in, it’s going to be a messy one.