Noel Gallagher has claimed that Phil Collins’ children once “accosted” his brother Liam.
The former Oasis star, 56, told the story while discussing his years-long feud with musician Collins, 72.
Noel has been going after Collins since he started out in music, saying near the beginning of his Oasis days: “We’re gonna get rid of Phil Collins and Sting – junk food music, McDonald’s music – we’ve got to get in the charts and stamp them out. I want the severed head of Phil Collins in my fridge by the end of this decade. And if I haven’t, I’ll be a failure.”
Noel then called Collins the antichrist during numerous interviews over the years, and Collins eventually responded with: “They’re just horrible guys. They’re rude and not as talented as they think they are. They keep having a go at me which I find strange.”
When asked by The Times’ Saturday Review what he had against Collins, Noel said: “He kept The Jam off No 1 with ‘You Can’t Hurry Love’.
“I thought, ‘Once I get there, I’m not going to let him get away with that.’”
He added: “The best thing about the Phil Collins thing is that Liam got accosted by his children one day because they thought he was me.
“They had a pop at him, saying, ‘Why are you always having a f***ing go at our dad?’ When I heard about it I thought, ‘I really hope someone filmed it.’ Anyway, f*** Liam. And f*** Phil Collins and all.”

Noel has also had a longstanding feud with Liam since Oasis split in 2009.
Collins has five children, including Emily in Paris star Lily, 34, and musician Nicholas, 22.
In the same interview, Noel dismissed the virtual band AIsis, saying: “I don’t give a f***. AI is not going to put me out of the game. It is just going to make your life a little bit s****er.”