A wedding is certainly one of the most important events in anyone’s life, and it’s no surprise that it’s associated with a lot of nerve-wracking and just plain weird situations. It’s good when the newlyweds have people (usually the best man and the maid of honor) who can handle this, easily or not. But sometimes these supporters really cross the line…
For example, here’s a story from the user u/No_Ganache_2548, who was unexpectedly accused of being awkward and unreasonable by the maid of honor after attending a destination wedding – even though the guest herself hadn’t broken any rules, according to her own words. Anyway, let’s figure it out together.
More info: Reddit
The author of the post was recently invited to her distant friends’ destination wedding and she RSVP’d yes

Image credits: Jonathan Borba (not the actual photo)
The woman was in the second circle of invitees so she wasn’t allowed a plus one, but she wasn’t offended by this

Image credits: u/No_Ganache_2548

Image credits: Evgenia Basyrova (not the actual photo)
There were only big rooms available in the hotel to book, so the woman invited her boyfriend to join her there

Image credits: u/No_Ganache_2548

Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)
The guy agreed eagerly so they drove there together, and he spent the wedding time in the hotel pool

Image credits: u/No_Ganache_2548
But later the guest got slammed for doing so by the maid of honor who was actually the only one who saw the author’s boyfriend there
So now meet the Original Poster (OP), a 26-year-old woman who was recently invited to a destination wedding in another part of her state. Of course, it was a long way to go, but our heroine was flattered by the invitation, since the wedding was not very large (about 60 guests), and she couldn’t consider herself a close friend of the newlyweds.
Apparently, the OP continues, she was, let’s say, in the second circle of invitees, so she wasn’t allowed a plus one. But when the woman started picking a hotel room to book, she discovered that only large rooms were available. And so, an idea popped into her head.
Since she had to drive a long way and still pay for a large room, why not take her boyfriend with her? They could swap driving, share a room, and while the OP was at the reception, the guy could spend time, for example, in the hotel pool. Fortunately, few of the guests knew him, and the boyfriend himself did not experience any problems from the fact that he was not invited.
No sooner said than done. The couple had a great time, and the wedding was also almost perfect. But in the evening, when our heroine was returning to her room, chatting with the bride’s maid of honor (she is closer to her than to the bride), she made a serious mistake.
Instead of fiddling around in her purse looking for a keycard, the OP simply knocked on the door. Her boyfriend opened the door and greeted the MOH. She didn’t show any surprise, but simply walked on. And only a couple of days later, when the newlyweds left for their honeymoon, the MOH called the author and told her off harshly.
So, according to the MOH, the original poster didn’t act very appropriately towards the other guests who also weren’t allowed a plus one. As a result, as she stated, everyone ‘felt bad’ because her boyfriend had to wait outside for the wedding to end…
However, our heroine disagrees with her. Firstly, her boyfriend had a great time too, and secondly, she didn’t ask anyone about a +1. And in general, she suspects that it was the MOH who gossiped to all the guests about what she saw. In any case, the author doesn’t think it’s necessary to ask for the bride’s opinion, so as not to distract her from the honeymoon. But asking for netizens’ opinions is just fine.

Image credits: Anastasia Shuraeva (not the actual photo)
“To be honest, I don’t see any serious problem with this woman’s behavior. After all, as far as I get it, she didn’t break any rules of this particular wedding,” says Denis Tsikanovsky, a wedding host from Tel Aviv, Israel, whom Bored Panda asked for a comment on this situation. “She didn’t ask for a plus one, she didn’t try to drag her boyfriend to the reception. So what’s actually wrong?”
“Especially if the guest paid for the hotel room herself, then it’s her personal business who she invited to share the room with her. And if her boyfriend was not against just hanging out some hours alone – then other people shouldn’t worry about his feelings at all.”
“Perhaps the maid of honor simply had a previous conflict with one of the guests who was trying to achieve a plus one for themselves, and with her actions this woman simply hit some of her ‘pain points.’ Or the MOH was simply in a bad mood. Either way, we’ll definitely not know the whole truth, and the guest’s behavior here looks completely reasonable,” Denis ponders.
People in the comments were also surprised by such a reaction from the MOH, claiming that she is essentially inflating a non-existent problem. “This is really strange. It looks like folks are trying to create a problem when one doesn’t exist. Both you and your BF were happy to make the trip and for him not to intrude on the wedding. The whole incident just doesn’t make sense,” one of the responders wrote.
In any case, according to many commenters, the only one who was being unreasonable here was the maid of honor herself. “The only person making it awkward and uncomfortable is the MoH,” someone replied. “The MOH is a busybody who needs to get a life,” another commenter added. And what do you, our dear readers, think about this case?
People in the comments, however, see no problem here at all, claiming that the maid of honor sounds really unreasonable