Martha Stewart was crowned the Queen of Thanksgiving on national television last year so no, you crazy kids, of course she's not canceling the holiday. Here's a clarification.
You'd be forgiven for thinking Stewart had in fact canceled Thanksgiving, given that she literally, like, said those exact words on The Kelly Clarkson Show last week, but it turns out a lot of people just stopped listening before the end of the video.

Speaking to Clarkson, Stewart said, "I gave up Thanksgiving. I canceled... Nine guests canceled, because somebody got sick, so I decided... I called up my chef friend, and I said, 'We're not doing Thanksgiving.' And I've also cooked like 14 turkeys already for my TV show. And I still have to do one more turkey I think on The Today Show. So I am turkeyed out."
At this point, the host suggested Stewart do "Taco Thursday" instead, but the celebrity chef explained that she does actually have semi-traditional Thanksgiving plans; they're just not at her house.
"I made a plan," she said. "Friends have of course invited me to their home, so I'm going to about five different homes to taste different courses."
Clarkson pointed out that Stewart's friends would probably be terrified at the idea of having her taste their food, at which stage the chef joked, "Oh, I hope so!"
Posting on Instagram on Tuesday, Stewart set the record straight: "It's not true that I gave up Thanksgiving!" she wrote. Although she's not hosting due to her guests canceling, she explained that she's baking about a gazillion pies, plus cooking one more turkey for one of her friends.
Though everyone is relieved Stewart hasn't given up on something she's so damn good at, many commenters were outraged that people would refuse Thanksgiving at her house. "Who is canceling going to Martha’s house for Thanksgiving?!" said one person, while another wrote, "Imagine saying no to Thanksgiving at Marthas…" Yeah, points were made.