A motorcyclist has been fined nearly $2000 and lost his licence for speeding by more than 100km/h on Ginninderra Drive in Lyneham.
The 57-year-old Palmerston man was on his motorbike on Saturday afternoon, when police officers conducting traffic targeting stopped him after measuring his speed at 186km/h in the signposted 80km/h zone.
He was issued with an infringement notice for travelling more than 45km/h over the posted limit, will receive six demerit points on his licence and be fined $1841.
The man had previously accrued 11 points on his ACT heavy vehicle licence and this incident will result in the cancellation of his licence, as he will have accumulated 17 demerit points.

ACT Road Policing and Emergency Management and Planning Acting Superintendent Ken Williams said the rider's complete disregard for both safety and the law was staggering.
"This rider deserves to be off the road, and I'm glad he will be, as there is absolutely no excuse for a member of the public to be travelling that fast on our roads," said Acting Superintendent Williams.
"Motorcyclists are vulnerable road users, if an unexpected incident was to occur at that speed, a rider would have absolutely no chance of avoiding it and would end up as a road statistic."