Some of the most fantastical creatures and stories that have hit the big screen have come from directors James Cameron and Guillermo del Toro. With imaginations that run in similar circles, it’s no surprise that they have such an interesting history as friends and collaborators. So it shouldn't be a big deal that a clip of del Toro sharing a UFO encounter story is resurfacing at precisely the right time in our cultural zeitgeist, right?
While a piece of this talk has been circulating around Twitter, the source is actually the AMC original series James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction. Airing back in 2018, the story you’re about to hear is rather fitting in light of the recent developments in the world of UFO knowledge. Check out the clip for yourself below:
On the one hand, that del Toro UFO story is serious as anything, and the description of a young Guillermo and his friend being faced down by an alien craft is utterly believable. This is the man who won several 2018 Academy Awards for The Shape of Water, so he clearly knows his way around stories about otherworldly beings. The way that Mr. del Toro tells his story isn't with the air of a dreamweaver, but of someone who really wants to get across the reality of the situation.
But even then, considering the close friendship that saw James Cameron assist in handling del Toro’s father’s kidnapping, you can detect the level of trust that between the men as this story unfolds. Though the encounter may have been serious, Cameron and del Toro find the humor in the situation, while also treating this story with the proper gravity. It may not be a smoking gun, but Guillermo del Toro's account is something that could cause even skeptics to doubt themselves.
Whether you call them UFOs or UAPs, the subject of extraterrestrial life has been a hot topic as of late. Recent government hearings on the matter have captivated imaginations, and even prompted some huge reactions. Jersey Shore star Snooki was pretty emotional, as she “literally wanted to cry” at what seems to be a moment in time where the existence of aliens has been proven. One has to wonder how Guillermo del Toro responded to the news, though one cold assume he wasn’t surprised at all.
What’s also interesting is for as open and excited as the Hellboy director is about other lifeforms, he sounded pretty scared when supposedly coming that close to meeting one. That is a natural feeling, as unknown lifeforms such as these from among the stars can prompt a great deal of uncertainty, and at times anxiety. At least, that’s if you don’t buy into Steven Spielberg’s views on alien life.
The imagination of the world can run wild with the possibilities of what UFOs could do, and Guillermo del Toro’s story is one of many encounters that suggest something’s out there. No matter where you sit on that spectrum, you can watch the complete series of James Cameron’s Story of Science Fiction on AMC+. That platform is available through several sources, such as an add-on to your Prime Video subscription.