Donald Trump's campaign has made a strategic decision to refrain from discussing Nikki Haley, despite her continued presence on the campaign trail and the attention she is garnering from Republican voters. Haley, who has been emphasizing that roughly 40% of GOP voters prefer her over Trump, is positioning herself as a viable alternative in a potential November rematch against President Joe Biden.
Although Trump has been consistently winning primaries and accumulating delegates, Haley's persistence in the race has underscored his vulnerabilities with key constituencies within the Republican Party. Her recent campaign events in various states have shown that she performs better in suburban areas, where she has been able to attract support.
While Trump's campaign has dismissed Haley's chances and accused her of misleading voters, her message seems to resonate with a significant portion of Republican voters. Data from the South Carolina primary indicates that a considerable number of GOP voters have concerns about Trump's electability and perceive him as too extreme.

Despite facing criticism for potentially appealing to left-leaning voters in open Republican primaries, Haley has managed to maintain a base of support within the party. Her calm demeanor and perceived integrity have drawn praise from some voters who find Trump's approach off-putting.
As Haley continues her campaign beyond her home state of South Carolina, she is highlighting the discontent among certain Republican voters and positioning herself as a candidate with broader appeal. While her path to securing the nomination remains challenging, her presence in the race has raised important questions about Trump's standing within the party and his prospects in a general election matchup against Biden.