At Haley campaign headquarters in Charleston, South Carolina, the focus is on the competitive nature of the primary race. While Senator Lindsey Graham emphasized the importance of party unity, the campaign believes that a competitive primary is beneficial. Nikki Haley expressed her hope for competitive results in South Carolina, without defining a specific margin.
The campaign views Donald Trump as the only candidate who Joe Biden could defeat in November, emphasizing the urgency of saving the country and winning the election. With over $16 million spent on advertising in South Carolina and numerous events held, Haley's strong presence in her home state underscores the significance of her performance there.

Despite facing formidable opposition from Trump, Haley's campaign sees itself as the underdog in a David versus Goliath scenario. The team is gearing up for Super Tuesday, with plans to invest heavily in multiple states. A substantial financial commitment has been made for national cable and digital advertising, with upcoming visits to Michigan, Minneapolis, Colorado, Utah, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusetts, Maine, and Vermont.
The campaign's strategy involves an aggressive approach, with a packed schedule of over 12 events planned in Super Tuesday states. By covering a wide range of territories and engaging with diverse audiences, Nikki Haley aims to amplify her message and rally support for her candidacy.