Nigella Lawson has shared her favourite simple sandwich recipe in response to a viral tweet.
The popular chef and TV personality has a rather humble taste when it comes to making herself a quick snack, revealing that her ideal sandwich has just three ingredients – butter, marmite and lettuce.
The revelation comes after anti-poverty campaigner Jack Monroe called for people on Twitter to disclose their favourite “simple sandwich”.
“None of this 95 ingredient hand-pulled artisanal guff and nonsense; if you were making a packed lunch for your nine-year-old self, what would your sarnie be?” she said.
Lawson’s disclosure received a mixed reaction. Some were horrified by the inclusion of Marmite, a savoury spread which is notoriously divisive, while others said they regularly ate the same sandwich.
Some Twitter users asked Lawson for further details, such as which lettuce she uses. “I’ll take any lettuce!” she replied.
Monroe also shared a picture of her go-to sandwich – cheese, ham, cucumber and cheese puffs. “Thick white bread, salad cream, cheese, cucumber, pinch of salt like me Nan used to do, cheap ham, and fake wotsits about to be jammed in and gently smushed until they creak,” she wrote.
Many of the simple sandwiches shared by Twitter users contained three or less ingredients, most of which contained butter or cheese.
“Thinly sliced cheddar cheese, tomatoes, seasoning,” one person said.
Another wrote: “Ham in a crusty Tesco roll, lots of butter and maybe some Quavers thrown in there for good measure.”
“Just butter and strawberry jam on the whitest of white bread was the piece of my childhood, but I also enjoyed cheese and jam. Also, my dad would sometimes do peanut butter and ham sandwiches in our packed lunches which I also liked,” a third person wrote.
“Sliced tomato sarnies [with] a sprinkle of vinegar, salt and pepper in between fresh squidgy cheap white sliced bread - heavily buttered. My late father’s [favourite] and mine. Eaten when my mum was out… Still love ‘em,” said one tweet which received more than 400 likes.
Some people shared unusual flavour combinations, prompting strong reactions from others.
One person revealed their sandwich of choice contained tuna, mayonnaise and tinned peaches.
“I’m sorry...tuna and WHAT,” one person wrote. Another replied: “Don’t think I can face lunch today.”