Nigel Farage has been banned from his local pub after the landlord accused him of walking away from the scene of a head-on car crash.
The Brexit Party leader was being driven to a campaign event when his Range Rover collided with Patrick Tranter’s Jaguar on a narrow country lane in Kent.
Mr Tranter, who was with his one-year-old son, claimed the MEP quickly left without checking if anyone was hurt.
“He’s a terrible, terrible human being,” said 38 year-old Mr Tranter, who runs the George and Dragon pub close to Mr Farage’s home. “He just upped and left. He didn’t even bother to see if me and my little boy were OK.
“Had he done, he would have recognised me as I’ve served him countless pints and I worked with his daughter just over a year ago.
“There’s no way he’ll be welcome back in my pub.”

Mr Tranter said his classic 1986 Series 3 Sovereign Jaguar was a “complete write off” as a result of the crash on Thursday morning.
“There was so much force that my car was pushed back into the bushes on the other side of the road,” he said.
“I ran out to see if my little boy was OK, but Farage just got out of the car. God knows where as it was a country lane.

“I turned around and asked one of his people, ‘Is that Farage?’ and she said yes.”
Mr Tranter said that the politician’s driver called the police and ambulance to the scene of the accident and was “really courteous”.
The Brexit Party confirmed in a statement that Mr Farage was a passenger in the Range Rover at the time of the collision.
“After ensuring that nobody was seriously hurt, and following the advice of his security team, Nigel discreetly withdrew from the scene,” a spokesperson said.
“He continued, by cab, on his journey to Peterborough where he was due to introduce the Brexit Party’s by-election candidate at a press event.
“However, Nigel’s driver remained with the vehicle at all times until the police arrived and details were exchanged.”
Police said they were not investigating the collision in Clacket Lane, Titsey, and added that “no one was injured as a result of the incident”.