Viewers of BBC One show DIY SOS were treated to its return last night (May 11) in what some have dubbed 'one of the best' episodes ever. In response to tearful fans' support of the show and what it sets out to do, presenter Nick Knowles has vowed to "keep going and getting it done as long as we are allowed" despite dealing with "shrinking budgets".
Last night's instalment saw the team, fronted by Knowles, help renovate the home of mum-of-four Lindsey McAuley, 39, whose husband Shaun died of cancer in November. Shaun, 39, started experiencing lower back pain in the latter part of 2021 and had to have a mass removed from his stomach, as well as an operation on his kidneys and bowel, but was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer that spread to his lungs and he passed away just eight weeks after his diagnosis.
The ex-Royal Engineer and his wife had been extending their home at the time of Shaun's death, with a local builder working with them to put in the foundations, walls and roof to begin with. Shaun had then planned to finish the rest of the build himself by fitting a new kitchen and bathroom - heartbreakingly, one of the last things Shaun said to Lindsey before he died, according to The Mirror, was: "Sorry I'm leaving you in such a mess."
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Before his death, Lindsey's best friend had asked his permission to contact DIY SOS on the family's behalf, but he sadly died a week after the producers got in touch.
Presenter Nick was determined to get the renovation done properly for the family and said: "Shaun served his country. He set out to build this house for his family. He wanted to provide and protect. What we have seen is that everyone here is determined to pick up where he left off so they have a family home."
Hundreds of local tradespeople, volunteers and even some of Shaun's old Army pals helped with the transformation, which took just a week and included a purpose-built studio at the bottom of the garden for the two eldest children, a bedroom for Lindsey and a transformed kitchen.
'Shrinking budgets'
During the show, fans were taking to social media to share their thoughts, with many left in tears by the heartwarming efforts.
Twitter user @SGrimbleby wrote: "Great episode of @DIYSOS. The diysos team and the volunteers who help are just amazing. This program always brings me to tears. They make such a huge difference to lives of families."
And @smith20_adam said: "Just finished watching @DIYSOS. One of the best episodes - heartbreaking and heartwarming in equal measure. Hats off to the whole team and especially the volunteers. Truly amazing and inspiring."

@Lazypaws asked: "Very emotional episode; sobbed on and off to the bewilderment of my two cats. Have to ask: why only 7 days? Used to be 9 days. Great result though." To which Nick Knowles himself replied: "Shrinking budgets but we’ll keep going and getting it done as long as we are allowed."
@Maheri7 commented: " @MrNickKnowles & team, fantastic programme tonight. I love what you do, in these dark times it's fantastic to see what a team of fabulous people can do to change the whole world for one family in need of a helping hand at their darkest hour. Well done all."
And @JohnNicholRAF also received a response from Nick Knowles, after he tweeted: "Blinking heck @MrNickKnowles. #DIYSOS has only been on for 5 minutes & I'm already having a bit of a cry! Well done to all concerned @DIYSOS for helping out a veteran's family."
Nick replied: "Was a pretty emotional show last night wasn’t it - and funny - and reassuring I think. We need to see what people can do when we work together - now more than ever. Too much division, polarity, mud slinging and being judgemental. Every build brings over 300 strangers together."
DIY SOS continues next Tuesday at 8pm on BBC One.