A new Pokemon GO update is adding Zygarde to the mobile game, but piecing this legendary Pokemon together takes a bit of effort. You need to collect Zygarde Cells to put Zygarde back together again like in previous Pokemon games, but the only way to find those cells is by traveling Pokemon GO’s new routes.
You’ll also encounter Zygarde in a new round of special research, A to Zygarde.
The route system lets players create paths for other players to follow, ideally to show off their favorite sights around town or highlight places of interest that might not be designated with a PokeStop or other in-game marker. All you need to do is start from a Gym or PokeStop, hit “record” to map your route, and set off.
Send the route for consideration once you’re done, and after it’s approved, anyone can follow it. Traveling routes is the only way to get Zygarde Cells at the moment, but they offer a range of other bonuses as well. These include extra Buddy Candy, bonus XP, and Buddy Hearts when you complete a route with your designated Buddy Pokemon, and incense works more effectively when you use it on a route that you’re traveling for the first time.
To follow a route, open the “Nearby” menu to get a look at any close routes, find one you want to travel, and set off.
Zygarde is only available in the A to Zygarde research task, though if other legendary Pokemon are anything to go by, including X and Y’s signature legendaries, you’ll likely be able to find Zygarde in special raids later down the road.
Written by Josh Broadwell on behalf of GLHF