Tributes are pouring in following the tragic death of one of Northern Ireland’s best known dog trainers and coaches, David Marshall.
David, 62, passed away in his Carryduff home on April 12 and it is believed his beloved dog Squib, may have also perished in a house fire at the property.
But friends of David from Glandore Dog Training Club of Ulster say they are holding out some hope the little Poodle may have been in the garden at the time, and may now be loose in the community.
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Adrian Dornford-Smith from the club, said the sense of shock over the tragedy amongst the dog community and beyond has been palpable.
He said: “We’re still trying to piece together what happened, trying to make some sense of this because this news has been a terrible shock, just unbelievable.
“I don’t think anyone would disagree when I say that David was one of the most liked and admired people in our community. He was kind, energetic, enthusiastic, patient and just a very good person.

“He was a central character and very well known and liked in many of Northern Ireland’s dog clubs, he was very knowledgeable, generous and great fun. Although David competed to a high level at agility, obedience was always his first love, and his enthusiasm for the sport over 50years never waned. He judged both Kennel Club obedience and agility.
" I'd known David for more than 20 years, training alongside him for most of that time. He had been a judge, a trainer and a competitor and he had been a great source of encouragement for us all.
"He loved everything about dogs, always had miniature Poodles and he loved to work them through agility and all sorts of training and they responded to him with pure devotion. They were a pleasure to watch.
“We don’t know at this stage what happened in the house but a few years ago David suffered damage to his eyesight in an accident, he lost sight in one eye and then struggled with depth of vision in the other eye which had started to fail. He had marked out the edges of tables and other furniture with hazard tape to help guide him in the house and make his way around more easily.
“Sadly whatever happened on Tuesday, the community in Northern Ireland and beyond have lost a very good person, a very good and loyal friend.”
David was pronounced dead at the scene of the blaze in his Manse Rd home on April 12. The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service were called to the property as police closed the junction of the Manse Road and Cadger Road to allow firefighters a safe space.

They worked for four hours to bring the blaze under control. Four appliances attended the scene from Knock, Cadogan and Central stations around 10am. The cause remains under investigation.
A spokesperson for the Fire Service said: “Tragically, a man was discovered in the property and was pronounced dead at the scene. Our thoughts and sympathies are with his family and friends.”
David Marshall had been a well-known character both in his work and hobbies outside his day job.
He worked as an electrical engineer dealing primarily with broken down lorries in transit, often working with the teams from Highway Barriers Solutions.
After an accident which claimed the sight in one eye and impacted his other eye, David lost his driving licence but his colleagues ensured he was picked up for work any time he needed it.

Adrian said: “David had bent down in his van to pick something off the floor and a welding rod penetrated his eye. He left it a few days before he went for help and by then sadly it was too late. His other eye then started to decline and although he could see to get about, it wasn't good enough to allow him to drive.
“But he was still able to work and his friends at Barrier Solutions made sure someone collected him and got him to the jobs. He was so well thought off.
“He had hoped that his good eye would start to improve and continued going for tests but things just seemed to deteriorate and his attendance at the dog clubs in the last two years started to drop off.
“But David still had his little black Poodle, Squib, who was a great comfort to him and there is a slim chance that she could still be alive. We know that David made a phone call not long before the fire on Tuesday and had said he had let Squib into the garden before he went back to bed for a while.
“So while it is likely Squib has also died in this awful tragedy, we’re hoping she stayed in the garden and wasn’t hurt. We have no confirmation that this little dog is dead or alive and we’d ask everyone in the Carryduff area to keep watch out for her. If by some chance she is found, we can be contacted at Glandore Dog Training Club.”
David is survived by his sister, brother and brother-in-law.