NHS Lanarkshire’s outgoing chief executive has shared her personal experience of contracting Lyme Disease as a new campaign was launched to raise awareness of the danger of tick bites.
Heather Knox, who is retiring from the role in November, revealed how she was diagnosed with the disease after being bitten by a tick from a deer last year and was treated with antibiotics, and is encouraging people to take precautions to ensure they can prevent it happening to them.
The Scottish Government campaign comes after a new survey revealed over half of people in Scotland (54 per cent) don’t know what to do when bitten by a tick. Almost two thirds of people in Scotland have either been bitten by a tick or know someone who has. It’s important to act quickly if a tick is found on the body.
People across Lanarkshire are being encouraged to be aware of the early signs and seek medical advice if concerned to prevent serious infection.
Ms Knox, said: “I was diagnosed with Lyme disease last year after being bitten by a tick from the deer that come into our garden. I had flu like symptoms and a high temperature for several days followed by the Lyme disease rash.
"Looking back now I was actually quite lucky that I was diagnosed so quickly and given antibiotics. I think it could have been a lot worse. I have now installed a deer fence and I am very careful to wear long trousers when out walking. Hopefully my story helps to raise awareness amongst others to take care and follow the advice.”
According to the research two thirds of people aren’t aware of the earliest and most common symptoms of Lyme disease, which include a red circular rash on the skin, often described as looking like a bullseye on a dart board. People can also experience cold or flu-like symptoms such as tiredness, headaches and muscle or joint pain.
Ticks can be found in wooded and grassy areas, so preventative measures when outdoors, such as sticking to pathways instead of going through long grass, using a repellent spray on clothing and not exposing skin can help reduce the risk of being bitten.

Scotland has a quarter of UK cases of Lyme disease, and Professor of Molecular Microbiology for the University of Glasgow, Tom Evans, reinforced that prevention is key to reducing the risk of serious infection.
He said: “Ticks are in peak season in summer, and with people spending more time outdoors it’s important that they take steps to prevent becoming ill from Lyme disease.

“If you do get bitten, you should remove the tick as soon as possible to prevent infection. Using fine-tipped tweezers to gently grip the tick as close to the skin as possible, pull it steadily away from the skin without twisting or crushing it. Special tick removers are also available from most pharmacies. You should wash the area with water and soap afterwards and apply an antiseptic cream.
“Lyme disease can be difficult to detect, and while most cases are mild, if not found early it can have serious and lifelong side effects. Therefore it’s really important to be aware of any symptoms in the weeks following a tick bite so it can be effectively treated.”
For more information about ticks visit: nhsinform.scot/lyme-disease
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