NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) has declared its first-ever amber alert as blood supplies dropped to a critically low level.
Hospitals have been told to implement plans to protect their stocks, meaning non-urgent operations requiring blood could be postponed to ensure they are prioritised for patients who need them most.
The NHS needs around 135,000 new donors every year to meet patient needs across England.
Currently, the service is in need of three groups, male donors, black donors and O negative donors
How do I register to give blood?
To become a blood donor, you need to register your details on the NHSBT database - my.blood.co.uk/preregister or calling 0300 123 23 23.
As of Wednesday morning the website was displaying a wait time of 30 minutes to sign up to the service.
A notice on the website also said stocks are “critically low” and signposted the public to city centre locations with donation spaces.
To give blood in Scotland, donors can register at donor.scotblood.co.uk. To donate in Wales, head to welsh-blood.org.uk.
Currently, both Scotland and Wales have adequate stocks of all blood types.
How can I find where to donate blood near me?
In England, donors can search for available appointments via the website above. As of Thursday morning, two large donor centres with more than 50 appointments were available in Lancaster and London Westfield, Stratford City.
There are 25 main blood donation centres and 50 mobile teams running collections throughout the year.
Temporary donation centres can often be found in church halls, sports centres and hotels. However, these venues are typically only visited two to three times per year.
What is the universal donor blood group?
Blood group O can donate red blood cells to anybody. NHSBT is currently in need of O negative and O positive blood supplies.
Around one in seven people have O negative blood, with around a third (35 per cent) of donors have O positive.
Ambulances and emergency response teams carry O negative as they can be given to anybody.
How can I find out what blood group I am?
Donors typically find out their blood type when they give blood for the first time.
Potential donors can also find out their blood type by registering for a What’s Your Blood Type event run by the NHSBT. The test takes around five minutes and requires a few drops of blood from your finger.
There are currently no What’s Your Blood Type events listed on the NHSBT website.
If I'm not an O blood group, should I still rush to give blood?
Currently, only O negative or O positive donors are needed. A message on the NHSBT website says all other donors should “check back later”.
The booking system plans blood collections by type, so the service can get the right mix of appointments for the blood types needed.
What are the reasons you can't give blood?
There are some exceptions for people who cannot give blood, including those who have most types of cancer, some heart conditions and those who have had an organ transplant.
Other people excluded from giving blood include, those who received blood, platelets, plasma or any other blood products after January 1 1980, those who have tested positive for HIV, are a hepatitis B or C carrier, and those who have injected non-prescribed drugs.
You will also need to wait before you can donate if you are pregnant, or have had a baby in the last six months, or have recently had a tattoo or piercing.
What's involved in giving blood?
Donors should eat regularly before giving blood to keep blood sugar levels stable to prevent dizziness or lightheadedness.
When donating blood, you will lose a lot of fluids which can cause you to feel faint. NHSBT asks donors to drink 500ml of water immediately before donating as the process to prevent this.
It is “essential” to avoid alcohol before and after donating as they can also affect hydration levels, NHSBT says.
Donors should avoid vigorous exercise before and after donating and ensure they are wearing clothing which can roll up past your elbow to allow ease of access to your veins.
How often can I give blood?
To donate blood, you need to be generally medically fit and well, aged between 17 and 65 and weigh between 7 stone 12 lbs and 25 stone.
Men can donate blood every 12 weeks, while women can donate every 16 weeks.