Full Transcript Below:
J.D. Durkin: At this point of your life and career, Michael, how do you go about deciding what business opportunities you want to take advantage of?
Michael Irvin: You know with a lot of things I decide on, and I think it's apropos that we're here because we're always looking for companies to invest. I love I love dealing with companies where you get me a CEO that started in the mail room. Then I get lucky to invest in that company because I know I need to know that the head all the way down to the bottom. You see what I mean? That's great leadership. So you follow great leadership and you always win. I don't care what the product is. I don't care what it is we're doing. If you follow great leadership, you'll always win.
J.D. Durkin: What's the relationship between a great football team and a great business organization?
Michael Irvin: What's great about football and what we just talked about. And I do many speeches all the time, corporations, organizations, what do I tell them that makes football the greatest sport for what you're trying to pull off and what you're trying to do in basketball and all other sports in basketball. You can watch LeBron James take that ball off one REM and dunk it on the other. That's called individual isolated success and football. There is no such thing as individual isolated success. Everybody has. The job to do to get you to the goal. Line or cross the goal line in family and corporations, business organizations, there is no such thing as isolated success and all works off the team unit. So that's how those correlate better than anything anywhere in the world. Family, organization, corporations, no such thing as isolated success. You're working with people on football teams.
J.D. Durkin: With those Dallas teams, you need a great offensive line. You need Mr. Aikman to get the ball in your hands to begin with, right? For you to be the playmaker.
Michael Irvin: When I wanted to crank someone up. I don't have time to speak to the whole line. I go to one guy that I consider to be the chief of that offensive line. It's just like any other business, right? Everybody has a head of the department. So I don't have to talk to everybody. I go to Big E and get that line ready to go play. You see what I mean? It's just like a company.