In the 2025 season, the NFL could be measuring first downs electronically. This initiative is in its infancy, but the NFL is currently gauging how interested teams would be in implementing an electronic system. If the teams are interested, you could be saying goodbye to 10-yard metal chains as soon as 2025.
This electronic system’s usage would include first downs, sidelines and goal lines. In theory, this should provide a more accurate determination of if a player reached the line to gain for first downs and touchdowns. That same certainty should extend to reviewing a player possibly stepping out of bounds.
An interesting question is how will this new system change the responsibilities of the officials. Obviously, referees won’t be erased from the game. In these specific situations, though, it’s still unclear if they will spot the ball first or if the system will track the player’s movement. The latter seems the most likely in order to gain the most accurate results.