Mark Wahlberg joined Peyton and Eli Manning on Monday night’s latest edition of the ManningCast, but he sure didn’t look like he wanted to be there.
During his appearance, NFL fans noticed that Wahlberg looked like he’d rather be at the grocery store or watching paint dry than talk about the Philadelphia Eagles and Kansas City Game with the Manning brothers.
It’s not that Wahlberg was rude or not game to answer questions; he was perfectly professional while answering whatever questions the Mannings had. However, most of the interview, he just looked bored and ready to go do something else.
Eli has had enough of the Peyton compliments, @markwahlberg. pic.twitter.com/MWR9ZU4ZaZ
— Omaha Productions (@OmahaProd) November 21, 2023
I dare anyone to give less energy to an appearance than Mark Wahlberg is giving on tonight’s ManningCast. pic.twitter.com/GZn34rcU4I
— Patrick Keane (@phkeane) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg on the Manningcast perfectly capturing my expression watching this NFL season pic.twitter.com/rKDOigsoe4
— Chuck Bass (@ChuckBassFF) November 21, 2023
Well, we get it’s late and that he’s not able to talk about his beloved New England Patriots playing in primetime. However, you’d think you’d at least be a little excited to join the Mannings for like 15 minutes of broadcast time?
NFL fans wondered what was going on with Wahlberg on the broadcast.
Feature image courtesy of ESPN.
Mark Wahlberg does not want to be there
— Klay Thompson’s Burner (@iKlayThompson) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg looks like he wants to be nowhere near the Manning Cast right now.
— Zachary Hayes (@zhayes7) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg couldn't look less excited to be on the ManningCast rn
— Aidan Broderick (@AidanBroderick) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg is not having a good time pic.twitter.com/VvMoDojMDn
— Ian #4EVER (@Jr_G_Man) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg on the Manning cast needs to go. He doesn't even look like he wants to be on there. Didn't take direction from Eli and make fun of Peyton. Why was he even there? pic.twitter.com/0TXe6iHSX4
— Kevlar (@Carnie21) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg looks like he has hated the Manning family for seven generations
— Nathan (@2Fast2Nathan) November 21, 2023
@MarkWahlberg looks distracted and disinterested on MNF with Peyton & Eli.
— Vernon Moon (@VernonMoon2) November 21, 2023
Could Mark Wahlberg look anymore annoyed by Peyton & Eli? Sheesh dude.
— Merkem (@MarkMerkem) November 21, 2023
Why’s mark wahlberg so mad lol
— Sisko (@siskokid25) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg looks miserable on the ManningCast. Like the personality of a rock. Weird.
— Cory Herzog (@herzog_rocks) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg looks like he'd be happier getting a root canal. #mnf
— Michigan Mike (@gigasmith67) November 21, 2023
Mark Wahlberg looks completely thrilled
— SBD (@BallsInfinitum) November 21, 2023