Recently uncovered photos show President Biden meeting with Hunter Biden's Chinese business associates in China while he was serving as vice president, raising questions about his previous claims of not discussing business matters with his son. The images, obtained through litigation against the National Archives and Records Administration, depict Joe Biden introducing Hunter to Chinese officials, including President Xi Jinping and Vice President Li Yuanchao, as well as posing with Hunter's business associates from BHR Partners.
The photos have brought attention to the connections between the Bidens and Chinese business interests, with allegations that Hunter arranged meetings for his father with BHR executives during a 2013 China trip. These revelations align with the House Oversight Committee's findings that the Biden family benefited from their dealings with BHR.
Despite Joe Biden's repeated denials of involvement in his son's business affairs, emails and testimonies have raised doubts. Hunter Biden's interactions with Chinese energy companies and his efforts to leverage his father's political influence for business opportunities have come under scrutiny.

The newly surfaced photos have reignited discussions about a 2014 email exchange where Hunter expressed willingness to introduce his business associates to a top Chinese Communist Party official for potential investments. The email referenced a 2013 dinner in Beijing attended by Joe Biden, further highlighting the intertwining of family connections with business dealings.
President Biden's recent pardon of Hunter for any potential past crimes has added to the controversy, with critics pointing to ongoing revelations of leveraging political power for personal gain. The organization behind the photo release has emphasized the ongoing scrutiny of the Biden family's ties to Chinese interests, despite the pardon.