Newcastle Greens councillor Charlotte McCabe is hoping to build on her momentum from the 2022 federal election when she recontests the seat of Newcastle in 2025.
Cr McCabe was announced as the Greens candidate for Newcastle, running for the seat for a second consecutive time.
She ran for the 2022 election as a newly elected councillor, securing 20.1 per cent of the first preference vote and a 4.5 per cent swing towards her. Labor and Liberal candidates each suffered falls in their primary vote.
Cr McCabe will also be looking to build on the party's success in the recent local government election, where three Greens councillors were elected for the first time since 2004.
"I think people feel let down by Labor and they'll be looking for an alternative," she said.
"I think people will for the first time be looking for somewhere else to place their vote in a safe Labor seat.
"This has been a Labor seat since Federation. That's the only one in the country that has been a federation Labor seat.
"I'm hoping I've been able to demonstrate to Newcastle that I am measured, I'm reasonable, I take my work very seriously, I have listened to the community and I'm able to work across party lines."
Greens deputy leader and senator Mehreen Faruqi was on hand to announced Cr McCabe's candidacy on October 15.
Ms Faruqi said two big focus areas for the Greens ahead of the federal election would be cost of living and climate action, which she said Labor had neglected.
"Every day when I speak to people on the streets, people are feeling completely betrayed by the Labor party," she said.
"But you can't keep voting for the same two parties and expect change.
"People really are craving for genuine representation and real change and Charlotte will be that person to deliver the change that people and the planet want and desperately needed.
"We know that when it comes to the climate and the environment, Labor cannot be trusted.

"In one day, the federal environment minister approved three massive coal mining expansions - two right on our doorstep in the Hunter region. This is the opposite of climate action.
"One in three big corporations pay no tax. The Greens are fighting hard for solutions for the cost of living crisis, for housing prices, we want the corporations to pay their fair share of that.
"We know that housing is broken and it's a rigged system so the Greens want to wind back the tax handouts to big wealthy investors. We want to cap and freeze rents and we want to build more public housing."
Cr McCabe said in Newcastle, flood insurance premiums were increasing as suburbs "face vulnerability to increased weather events" and believed the federal government should be "stepping up" and making more commitments in the redevelopment in Broadmeadow.
She also said the party's policy to put dental and mental into Medicare was "extremely popular" at the last election and believed it would further resonate at the next election.
A date for the next federal election is yet to be announced, but it will be held on or before September 27, 2025.