A Newcastle coffee shop chain has suddenly closed after landlords apparently took back possession of its city centre premises.
Gloria Jean's Coffees only opened in the former Pret a Manger premises on Grainger Street in February this year, but now the business has shut down. A notice in the window from Dawkins Civil Enforcement Agents, who are acting on behalf of the landlords, says that it "recovered possession of the premises and that the lease is hereby determined."
The American-Australian coffee chain sold a number of coffee roasts designed by Gloria Jeans, alongside sandwiches, croissants and cakes. Founded in Chicago in 1979 Gloria Jean's Coffees now has more than 600 franchise branches in 40 countries around the world.
READ MORE: Coffee shop Gloria Jean's Coffees to open in former Pret a Manger at Newcastle's Monument
The first UK store opened in London in 2019 and there are now branches in Edinburgh and Glasgow.
A sign in the window from Dawkins Civil Enforcement Agents, dated June 8, reads: "Take notice: Under the terms and conditions of your lease, we, as authorised agents acting on behalf of the landlords, have re-entered and recovered possession of these premises and the lease is hereby determined. Any attempt by you or your agents to enter the demised premises will result in criminal proceedings being taken against you."

A second notice in the window states that goods inside the premises had been seized by bailiffs and had to be collected by June 22 otherwise they would be sold or destroyed. Gloria Jean's Coffees and landlords have been contacted for comment.
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