Six houses proposed for a narrow strip of land in West Lothian are set to be refused over fears it would be impossible for their bins to be emptied.
Planning officers have advised councillors to reject the application for a plot beside Inchcross Park, Bathgate, warning that council refuse wagons would not be able to turn in the narrow cul-de-sac that would be created by the proposed family homes .
Councillors on the Development Management Committee will consider the proposals when they meet on Wednesday. Two of the committee are local SNP councillors, Pauline Stafford and Willie Boyle.
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Inchcross Developments Ltd has applied for planning permission to build six family homes on the narrow strip of land between the A7066 and homes in Inchcross Park, on the south-western fringe of the town, with access off Standhill Road.
One home has already been built on the site after previous planning permission was awarded and a further house has already permission from a previous application.
The new homes would continue a new cul-de-sac westwards. The land is currently zoned as public open space and bounded on both sides by mature trees.
Planning officers have recommended refusal citing worries about access. In a report to go before the DMC planning officers said: “The applicant has not demonstrated that council refuse collection vehicles can safely access, egress and turn within the application site.
"In addition, the provision of two visitor parking spaces at the end of a turning head is not acceptable as refuse collection vehicles will not be able to navigate this turn.”
Planning officers also said that no tree survey for the site has been supplied with the application.
The application proposes six detached properties that are two storeys tall with pitched roofs and a gable projection on the front elevation. Two house types are proposed and both include integral garages. Proposed material finishes for the walls are roughcast render and stone quoins and grey interlocking tiles for the roofs.
Planning permission has previously been granted for eight houses on this site and this permission has until 31 March 2023 to be lawfully implemented.
Planning officers said in their paperwork: “In this instance, the applicant seeks consent from the council to build 6 houses. The fact there is already a consent for houses on the site does not change this. What is proposed is a different scheme to that already consented. It is considered the development description as revised by officers is accurate.”
There have been two objections from neighbours in Inchcross Park claiming loss of privacy and the loss of the tree belt which lines the boundary of their properties.
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