Locals are being asked to have their say on a masterplan to transform the land either side of the River Frome in St Jude's, known as the Frome Gateway. Bristol City Council, along with locals, businesses and landowners, is working on a project which will see new homes, jobs and public spaces created.
Plans for a riverfront community, on the fringes of Cabot Circus and the M32, were first put forward in 2019 and then suspended due to Covid-19. Now they are in the process of public consultation, with a detailed plan to be drawn up following approval from the council's Cabinet.
The Frome Gateway area will see 'significant change' if plans are approved, as land is brought forward to deliver new homes, workspaces and community facilities. The project will also see existing facilities, like Riverside Park, upgraded.
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The project website reads: "Our ambition is to create an exemplar neighbourhood recognised for high-quality and sustainable design and construction, its unique identity and community spirit, and its ability to support communities to live healthy and sustainable lifestyles."
The project will see sustainability and collaboration between locals and businesses take centre stage. It is hoped the Frome Gateway will be a place where "homes and businesses can co-exist."
The website continues: "This is a long-term project and physical changes are still some years away. The first step in this journey is to create a Regeneration Framework for the area which will establish a long-term place vision and strategy for change which will be used to guide planning applications and investment in the area.

"A Regeneration Framework is a document that brings together urban planning, transport and design thinking, with inclusive and sustainable growth, in order to guide change in an area. It will be finalised after full and extensive consultation with the community and approval by the council's Cabinet."
A new vision for the Frome Gateway has been put forward to address both the need for local investment in the area, and the growing interest from the private sector to build there. It is also hoped new homes and 'improved green spaces' will address both Bristol's housing crisis and the wider ecological emergency.
The Frome Gateway has also been identified as an Area of Growth and Regeneration in the council’s emerging Local Plan. This is due to its proximity to Bristol city centre and the presence of underused land which provides the opportunity for comprehensive regeneration in a sustainable location.
The website says: "By building in a central location, we can protect green spaces around and outside the city, as well as making it easier for people to walk, cycle or catch public transport to jobs, leisure and retail centres."
Locals are being asked to pinpoint what changes they would make in the area on an interactive map. Suggestions have already been put forward to improve facilities at Riverside Park and look into traffic issues.
Have your say about the project here.
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