Nearly two years after he started the gig, James Glenday is stepping down as the television newsreader for ABC Canberra.
He is moving on to an "exciting new project", which has yet to be announced.
Some media pundits have tipped him as a replacement for Michael Rowland as host of the national television show ABC News Breakfast.
Glenday is not allowed to talk about his next move until it is formally announced.

A former foreign correspondent for the ABC, Glenday replaced Dan Bourchier as the newsreader for the 7pm bulletin in early 2023.
The TV news in Canberra will now be read by ABC stalwart Greg Jennett, according to an update on staff comings and goings.
After presenting Afternoon Briefing for the past three years, Jennett is moving into a senior role in the Northbourne Avenue newsroom presenting the 7pm news from Sunday to Thursday and conducting Stateline interviews. He will also work with the Parliament House team on federal election coverage.
The release added the update on Glenday: "After a terrific two years in the chair, including his key role in this month's ACT election coverage, current ACT 7pm presenter James Glenday will be going on to an exciting new project next year. More details of that will be announced in coming weeks."
Glenday and his wife Lisa have two young daughters and live in Jerrabomberra.

Greg Jennett is also a familiar face to Canberrans, reporting on politics from Parliament House for more than 25 years.
"I'm proud of what we've done with Afternoon Briefing these last three years. It has become an accessible place for politicians of all stripes and levels of experience to discuss and debate the issues of the day," he said in the statement.
"Over the years I've been privileged to report on some of the most remarkable events in the life of our nation.
"In 2025 I'll devote my energies to other stories around the nation's capital, while still being close enough to hear that thrum from the Hill that's been a constant in my reporting for the last couple of decades or so. I'm looking forward to what comes next."
It's almost a full circle for Jennett, who came to Canberra from ABC Wagga Wagga in 1992, starting in the Northbourne Avenue newsroom as a general news radio reporter.
He was also a Legislative Assembly reporter in the Follett, Carnell and Humphries years before moving up to Capital Hill.
Jennett, 56, has been a part of the Parliament House press gallery for more than 25 years, including stints in Washington and Jakarta.

Originally from Thirroul, a suburb of Wollongong, Jennett and his wife live in Hackett and have four children aged from 24 to 17. His first job in the media was for the commercial radio station 2LF in Young.
Decades later, he's on to the next chapter.
In addition to presenting the news and mentoring younger reporters at ABC Canberra, Jennett will be covering some local stories, saying he feels he still has "a few good yarns" left in him.
"I'm definitely a Canberran at heart," Jennett said.
"I know there is strong debate about over what time period qualifies you as Canberran, but, safe to say, I'm a proud Canberran and I've never underestimated the significance of Canberra stories and local news to this city."