A new online tool allows travellers to check whether their passport is still valid post-Brexit.
This summer many people have found themselves standing at airport departure gates but unable to get onto a plane.
Since the UK left the European Union Brits heading to countries within the block have had to have three months left on their passports in order to visit.
It must also have been issued in the past ten years at the time of entry.
Different countries have more stringent requirements however, with some demanding passports have six months left before they need to be renewed.

As more and more people watched their first post-lockdown holidays go up in smoke after falling foul of those rules, the Home Office launched a site which checked whether passports were valid.
The website turned out to have a defect and gave faulty advice about some children's passports, leading the government to take it down and VisaGuide.World to launch one in its place.
The new checker has been developed by experts and offers correct information, completely based on the EU’s entry rules.oped by experts and offers correct information, completely based on the EU’s entry rules.
All users of it have to do is type in the date on which their passport expires, the date when they plan to enter the EU, as well as the date when they plan to leave.
Misunderstanding of the rules has led to misinterpretation and chaos at UK airports.
Earlier this year a mum and her two kids were marched out of the airport after they were blocked from an easyJet flight - despite all their paperwork actually being within date.
Nicci Lou's children had to leave Gatwick Airport thoroughly miserable and the way they came in following the passport rejection.

They had arrived several hours earlier incredibly excited about jetting off to Corfu for three and a half weeks on their first post-pandemic holiday - in part planned to celebrate Nicci's divorce.
The single mum was therefore heartbroken when easyJet boarding gate staff told her she couldn't come onboard as her passport was too near expiring, despite still being in date.
Nicci and her two crying children were told to go to the information desk for help, only to be escorted out of the building by two members of security.
"I made a mistake and I didn't know about the three months from the date you get back rule," the 43-year-old told the Mirror.
"The problem I have is I had got as far as the gates, almost to the airplane, before they said no.
"Then they told us to go to the information desk. They were trying to get rid of me and my crying children. The information desk said they were nothing to do with the flight and there was no supervisor."
To read more about her story, click here.