A ten-year plan to reshape Dundee’s transport systems is set to be put before councillors next week.
It is hoped the scheme will boost the city’s ‘ sustainable transport infrastructure ’ and link with wider initiatives across the region.
Dundee City Council’s city development committee will be asked to back the delivery plan that will focus on local active travel, bus services, mobility as a service and low carbon vehicle infrastructure.
Mark Flynn committee convener said: “The nature of sustainable transport inevitably means that there are international, national, regional and local aspects, but for the first time this plan focusses purely on what we are going to do in Dundee.
“It won’t replicate the work of the Regional Transport Strategy, but what it will do is tie in closely with, and complement that activity, to create a city where sustainable transport is at the heart of our infrastructure investment decisions.”
Among the proposals are a planned network of strategic active freeway routes in the city, the expansion of e-bike hire provision, growth in cycle storage provision and a programme for improved road safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
It also aims to detail key bus priority corridors, find ways of accessing external funding to develop bus priority infrastructure and provide a programme aimed at improving public transport journey times.
The objectives for sustainable visitor journeys and the role of Mobility as a Service in reducing private car use will also be considered, as well as the potential for growth in shared mobility provision and potential locations for principal mobility hubs.
The final element will be to consider the capacity for growth of electric vehicles in Dundee, prioritising further infrastructure capacity to meet that growth and outline the initial objectives for facilitating hydrogen development.
If councillors give the proposal the green light at the city development committee next Monday a draft will be issued early next year for stakeholder consultation before the final plan comes back to the committee for agreement.
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