Planning is underway for new sport and play facilities in Wyee to meet the demands of the area's growing population.
Lake Macquarie City Council (LMCC) is working with property developer Stevens Group to provide a park and playground as part of a new subdivision off Hue Hue road, with separate plans in the pipeline for a larger sporting complex nearby.
LMCC assets manager Rob Morris said the complex would include two sports fields, amenities, car parking and the potential to host other sports facilities, such as tennis and netball courts.
"The Morisset Catchment Development Contributions Plan identifies the need for new sports fields and courts in Wyee," Mr Morris said.
"It's a rapidly growing part of our city, and we want to provide the recreation options that families need for active, healthy lifestyles.
"We expect concept planning for the sports complex to start in the next financial year."
Separately, Stevens Group will build a 5444-square-metre local park and playground off Soreina Drive as part of its Radcliffe Wyee subdivision under a works-in-kind agreement with the council.
The new playground will include climbing equipment, slides, swings and spinners for children, and shade trees and lawn areas for family gatherings. Construction is expected to start later this year.
The population of Wyee - which currently sits at under 3000 people - is expected to swell in the coming years, with the Radcliffe development expected to add up to 1500 homes.
The NSW government's Draft Hunter Regional Plan 2041 identifies Wyee, along with nearby Cooranbong and Morisset, as the "largest future growth area" in the Hunter with potential for new housing, retail, recreation and industrial sites.