Rangers at Blair Drummond Safari Park are welcoming a new arrival - the first Californian sea lion pup to be born in Scotland in two decades.
One of the park’s resident sea lions, Ineke, gave birth to the adorable offspring - named Otis - after an 11-month pregnancy.
It’s the first baby sea lion to be born in the park in its history, with both mother and baby believed to be in good health after the birth on Tuesday (June 6).
The team at the park will monitor the pair over the coming weeks as they begin to settle in and it is expected that Ineke may spend more time indoors while she nurses and cares for her baby.
The recently completed sea lion habitat at the park includes a specialised area designed for rearing pups, with this set to come in handy for Ineke and Otis, who will be able to splash around and explore within a safe and controlled environment.
Shane Belson, the Sea Lion Team Leader at Blair Drummond Safari Park, said: “We are thrilled to welcome Otis to our family.

“Ineke is proving to be a great mum, and little Otis is growing more confident and curious every day. California sea lions are such a charismatic species and really help us to educate our visitors about the importance of marine biodiversity.
“Though not currently endangered, in the wild these pinnipeds rely on a carefully balanced marine environment, which is now increasingly under threat. We can all take steps to reduce plastic pollution in our oceans and shop more sustainably.”
The good news comes in the face of more sad developments at the park recently following the death of one of the park’s long-standing animals - 22-year-old giraffe Kelly.
Kelly passed away on May 23 after a bout of failing health, with the park’s vet team deciding to put her to sleep following a thorough health screening.
She was one of the oldest giraffes in the UK and was well-known for her gentle nature, having been part of the Blair Drummond family for more than a decade, with Kelly’s daughter Bella still living in the park.