People living in apartments on the Harbourside are objecting to plans for a new pontoon in the Floating Harbour due to concerns about noise coming from boats. Plans for the new marina, with mooring space for 34 boats, are set to get planning permission later this week.
The new pontoon would be installed on the north bank of the Floating Harbour, south of Hotwell Road. The plans also include a single-storey welfare building with showers and toilets, as well as a floating reed bed to create an ecological habitat.
Bristol City Council is applying for planning permission for the new pontoon, with council bosses saying space for more boats would bring in extra income for the harbour. Councillors on the development control B committee will vote on the plans on Wednesday, May 10.
Read more: South Bristol residents object to youth club plan due to loss of green open space
Some residents of Harbourside apartments wrote to the council with their concerns about “boat-related noises”, which would increase if the pontoon is installed. The Brandon Yard residents committee said wind would blow noise from boats into their housing development.
A residents committee spokesman said: “Noise is a major concern for Brandon Yard residents who will be affected by noise from boats, such as parties and music, and boat-related noises, such as halyards clanging against masts. The prevailing wind direction is from the south-west and Brandon Yard is directly downwind of the proposed pontoons.”

One resident of Capricorn Place added: “The pontoon would be less than six metres from my home. At present the property has an uninterrupted outlook across to the SS Great Britain and harbour and this is the main reason for living at Capricorn Place. Given the size of boats suggested, it is more than likely that many will have up to 12-metre masts.
“The plans indicate that 12 boats could moor directly in front of my flat, so that means that I might have up to 12 masts interrupting my view. Moored boats make a lot of noise, especially in wind. The prevailing winds funnel through the harbour at this location.
“I am an experienced sailor and had many a sleepless night due to the noise of clanging masts, booms and rigging. 30-plus boats would create an unacceptable level of disturbance. I believe that we will be disturbed by engine noise and by noise created by boat users, who will generally be visitors coming to enjoy the city, rather than serious sailors.”
But each boat moored in the Floating Harbour must pay a mooring fee to the council. These fees were recently increased, despite the opposition of many living in boats, and City Hall chiefs are keen to bring in further income to help pay for the maintenance of harbour infrastructure.
In a planning report, one council officer said: “The proposal in the Floating Harbour to the south of Capricorn Quay would provide improved mooring facilities, allowing a significant increase in the number of boats mooring. This would result in commensurate uplift in income generated for continued reinvestment into the Floating Harbour.”