In the final Des Moines Register poll, conducted ahead of the Iowa caucuses, it was revealed that Nikki Haley is gaining strong support among voters with a college degree. The poll showed that 27% of respondents with a college degree indicated their support for Haley, just slightly behind Donald Trump who received 34% of support from this demographic. This statistic highlights Haley's appeal to a segment of Republican voters who may desire a candidate that presents a more traditional pre-Trump era Republican approach.
Haley's candidacy seems to resonate with those who are less hostile towards corporate America and are seeking a candidate that prioritizes tax cuts and economic policies without the baggage associated with Trump. However, it remains to be seen whether there are enough Republicans left who are willing to nominate a candidate like Haley in the current political climate.
National polls, such as the recent CBS poll which shows Trump with 69% support, indicate a significant lead for the current president. This begs the question of whether a party supporting a candidate with such a high approval rating would select someone else as their nominee. The overwhelming support for Trump in the polls suggests that there is very little left for voters to learn about him that would cause a significant shift in their opinions.
Interestingly, the Des Moines Register poll also revealed that over 40% of Haley supporters in Iowa stated they would back Joe Biden over Trump. This indicates that Democrats and independents may have an impact on the outcome of the Iowa caucuses, as well as potentially influencing the New Hampshire primaries.
The question that arises is whether there is more to be learned about Haley for those in states where she has not heavily campaigned. If Haley were to perform unexpectedly well in Iowa, coming in second or even challenging Trump in New Hampshire, it would be intriguing to see if her success could sway Republicans who currently support Trump. This scenario raises the possibility that some Republicans might be open to switching their allegiance to Haley if they find her to be a viable alternative.
As the caucuses unfold, the political drama continues to captivate audiences across the nation. The results of these early contests will provide further insights into the dynamics of the race and shed light on the direction the Republican Party might take in selecting their nominee for the upcoming presidential election.