A recent poll conducted by the Pew Research Center has shed light on American voters' sentiments regarding the physical and mental fitness, as well as ethical considerations, of President Biden and former President Trump.
The survey revealed that a majority of voters harbor doubts about President Biden's physical and mental capabilities to serve another term in the White House. Only a small percentage of respondents expressed high confidence in Biden's fitness for the job, with the majority indicating little to no confidence in this regard.
On the other hand, former President Trump fared slightly better in terms of voter confidence in his physical and mental fitness. While a significant portion of respondents still had reservations, a higher percentage expressed confidence in Trump's abilities compared to Biden.
Despite concerns over fitness, more voters leaned towards President Biden when it came to perceptions of ethical behavior in office. A notable percentage of respondents expressed confidence in Biden's ethical conduct, while a majority doubted Trump's ability to act ethically if re-elected.

The survey also highlighted that the presidential race remains highly competitive, with both candidates enjoying similar levels of support among registered voters. The tight race indicates that the upcoming election could be closely contested.
President Biden's recent public gaffes, including reading a script instruction off a teleprompter and making statements that were subject to ridicule, have added to the scrutiny surrounding his candidacy. Meanwhile, former President Trump is facing legal challenges related to alleged falsification of business records and election interference.
As the election draws nearer, the contrasting perceptions of fitness and ethics between Biden and Trump are likely to play a significant role in shaping voter decisions. The poll results underscore the importance of these factors in influencing public opinion and ultimately determining the outcome of the presidential race.