A new pet crematorium could cause “psychological distress” and “horrific odours” if it gets the green light, objectors have claimed.
Plans have been proposed for a crematorium and two cremators on Chanters Industrial Estate, in Atherton. However the scheme has led to a number of objections to the application, summitted by Mrs Natasha Frazer-Ormrod, from people living in the area around Arley Way - where the site is based.
Issues raised include a lack of notice, foul smells and emotional distress to the application from Mrs Frazer-Ormrod.
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One objector said: “I am concerned with regards to the close proximity to my house, and the smell this business will generate. This will lead to psychological distress, knowing that the smell is due to the cremation from the death of a pet.
“The tip is bad enough and is not monitored by the environmental agency.”

Another objector said: “To open another business in the area which will create more pollution, noise and traffic is highly irresponsible and will drive local residents out of the area!”
Several other residents believe the close proximity to Fred Longworth High School, a botanical gardens and a care home means this is the wrong place for veterinarians to use to cremate pets. Concerns over the transportation of "hazardous waste" were also raised.
If the site were to become operational, there would be eight to 10 cremations a day on average and dead animals would be stored in mortuary fridges before the burning, a design and access statement said. However “in the event of unforeseen circumstances some animals may be stored overnight”.

An officer’s report said: “The ashes will be returned to the veterinary practice (by delivery or collection) and will not be kept on site.
“Depending on how the business develops, there may be some capacity to facilitate members of the public delivering/collecting their pets to the unit for cremation, but there are no firm plans for this at the present time.
“The business would employ three people, but this could grow depending on business growth. The hours of operation of the use would be 8am to 6pm daily with cremations taking place between 9am and 5pm.”
Currently, the site is used for the sale and stoarge of cars and other motor vehicles. Due to the number of objections lodged to Wigan Council, the application will be reviewed by the Planning Committee on April 11 in Wigan Town Hall.
Both objectors and applicant will get a chance to have their say in the council chamber before a decision is made by the committee.
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