Adult Disability Payment is a new health benefit which is replacing Personal Independence Payment (PIP) for people living in Scotland. The devolved benefit will provide financial support to people aged between 16 and State Pension age, who are disabled, have a long-term health condition or have a terminal illness.
People already receiving PIP and Disability Living Allowance (DLA) from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) do not need to apply for Adult Disability Payment. Some 320,000 existing awards will transfer automatically from the DWP to Social Security Scotland in stages and are expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
Social Security Scotland will deliver the new benefit and in a new update said: "Your Adult Disability Payment will be the same amount as your PIP. You'll be paid on the same day and there will be no gap in your payments during the move from PIP to Adult Disability Payment.”
Last week, Social Security Scotland clarified that if an existing PIP or DLA claimant reports a change in their circumstances, which triggers a transfer of their award to the devolved system, it will be reviewed shortly after the transfer process is completed - this can take between three to four months.
Social Security Scotland said: “If the award was transferred because the PIP or DLA award was due to be reviewed or because the person reported a change, we will review the Adult Disability Payment award soon after the client’s transfer is completed.”
It also said: “We will write to people to inform them when to expect their payments and other important information, including how to ensure they continue to receive any other benefits.”
DWP also recently announced that it will now be automatically extending existing PIP awards awaiting review from the current three months by up to 12 months.
DWP also said it will do this 35 days before the award is due to end and notify claimants by text message.
Adult Disability Payment rates 2022/23
ADP is made up of two parts:
- Daily living component
- Mobility component
Whether you get one or both of these and how much depends on how severely your condition affects you.
You could be paid the following amounts per week depending on your circumstances:
Daily living
- Standard rate: £61.85
- Enhanced rate: £92.40
- Standard rate: £24.45
- Enhanced rate: £64.50
Which PIP cases have started to transfer?
From August 29, 2022 Social Security Scotland started transferring benefits of people:
- who report a change in circumstances to DWP, across all local authorities
- who are due a review of their award, across all local authorities
- who have a Terminal Illness, across all local authorities
Until their PIP award has moved to Adult Disability Payment, claimants should carry on:
- answering any requests from DWP like filling in a PIP review or renewal form
- reporting changes to DWP
- People whose PIP award has an end date

If someone has a PIP award with an end date and there is no DWP review scheduled, Social Security Scotland will transfer it to Adult Disability Payment.
However, they will not transfer the PIP award to Adult Disability Payment if all of the following apply:
- The claimant’s PIP award has an end date
- A DWP review of their PIP award began before August29, 2022
- The outcome of that DWP review is to not extend the claimant’s PIP award
Impact of transfer on other benefits
Social Security Scotland said that entitlement to other benefits and services will not be affected by the move from PIP to Adult Disability Payment, however, they will need to let any organisation that provides those benefits and services know that their benefit is moving.
It said: “They should do this when they get a letter from Social Security Scotland telling them that the transfer of their benefit is complete.
“This is so that the client does not go out of payment for any of their other benefits or lose their access to services such as the Blue Badge.”
Find out more about who to contact here.
For more information on the case transfer process, visit the website here.
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