Some of us are blessed with nice neighbors, while other people have to deal with the spawns of hell. Well, maybe that’s a bit of a dramatic way to put it, but in some cases, these neighbors are actually that bad. Or at least they seem like it when you have to live near them.
In today’s story, the family’s quiet neighbors moved out, and new ones moved in. Only, they turned out to be fans of loudspeakers on the shared wall and were not considerate people at all. So, living next to them soon turned into a noisy nightmare.
More info: Reddit
While some neighbors can basically be angels walking the Earth, others can be the exact opposite

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
A family’s quiet neighbors moved out, and the couple, who at first seemed normal, moved in

Image credits: Alina Vilchenko / Pexels (not the actual photo)
Soon, the family learns the couple isn’t so lovely, as they love playing loud sounds until late at night, not to mention their constantly barking dogs

Image credits: freepik / Freepik (not the actual photo)
What makes them even worse is that they know they’re being obnoxious, as they deliberately turn up the sound at night after their neighbors knock on the wall, signaling them to do the opposite

Image credits: Southern-Guide7886
Since the family didn’t want to call police, fearing it might make everything worse, they asked what they could do online
Some time ago, the OP’s elderly neighbors moved away and sold their townhome to a military couple. The family welcomed them and at first, and everything seemed to be alright—the couple seemed to be nice and quiet.
Pretty soon, that illusion—especially the quiet part—was shattered. It turns out, they have a couple of dogs who constantly bark when they’re home alone. Dogs tend to do so due to separation anxiety—they use their voices to try to reach out to their owners to be reassured they’ll be back.
Mind you, the dogs in the story bark for hours on end and since the original poster and their wife work from home, you get how this sound through a rather thin wall can be annoying.
Yet, it doesn’t even compare to the noise the neighbors themselves cause. They have a TV and a subwoofer mounted to the shared wall, so anytime they turn anything with a bass on (which is basically all the time from 6 PM until they go to bed at night), the OP’s home basically vibrates.
After all, a subwoofer is one of the most powerful upgrades one can make to their home theater. In fact, some of these loudspeakers can play loud enough to exceed the limits of human hearing. This story just proves their power—it impacts not only the owners, but their neighbors as well.
Also, in residential areas, there’s usually an accepted standard not to play loud music between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m., depending on where you live. Clearly, these neighbors weren’t respecting this boundary. And that’s problematic way beyond just a moral level.

Image credits: dotshock / Freepik (not the actual photo)
In some cases, nuisance noise can be a full-blown health hazard. First of all, it can cause hearing damage, especially if the person is exposed to it constantly. But also, it can cause stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbances, which affect a person’s ability to concentrate and learn.
When it comes to children, those who get exposed to excessive noise quite often develop problems with reading and memory. So, far from nice, isn’t it?
What makes the loud neighbors in the story even worse is that they know that they are being obnoxious. The OP had contacted them with a polite note, which made the couple apologize, but not change their actions. In fact, it made them even more deliberately awful—for instance, turning up the sound at 1:30 a.m., when the neighbors started knocking on the wall.
The author doesn’t want to involve the police, fearing it would make everything even worse than it is, and the couple doesn’t seem to have any human decency. So, they asked online what they should do about it—living like that forever is simply not an option.
Well, one comment suggested quite a grand idea—calling the military base commander with proof about everything that’s been happening. Apparently, military folks causing disturbances for civilians are taken seriously and this case is definitely an inconvenience.
How would you handle such a situation? Share your ideas in the comments!
One of the netizens provided the best solution—finding the military base commander to inform them that the couple was disturbing the civilians’ peace