A new mother’s world has been thrown into disarray after her husband demanded that their child’s name be a tribute to his mother.
Baby names have become an increasing source of intense debate. Recently parents were discouraged from naming their children with monikers related to weapons, such as Shooter and Trigger.
Meanwhile, on Reddit, a mother who is expecting her first child in August has sparked a debate after she revealed that her partner made a particular demand about their first baby’s name.
On the Name Nerds subreddit, she wrote: “I'm expecting a little girl in August. She will be our first and only child, as I have decided that I'm one and done at age 39 after two miscarriages.
“I had been hoping for a girl from the very beginning, in part because my mom passed away suddenly a few months before my first pregnancy, and I want to give my daughter her name, Jacqueline, as a middle name.”
However, issues have arisen between the couple after he demanded that the child have the name of his mother: Judith Charmaine. The only problem here is that she cannot stand those two names.
“He will not let this go, and I feel he will veto any other name I want to give my child unless she gets one of these as (at least) a middle name as well,” she added.
“I am also personally of the opinion that I don't like naming children after living relatives. I want my daughter to have a first name that is hers alone, that doesn’t connect her to anyone else and that she can define herself by.
“And, while my mother will never meet her only granddaughter, we live with my MIL, and she will be a constant part of my daughter's life growing up. It doesn't seem entirely fair to me.
“That aside, I still really don't like those names. In my mind, they are both too old-fashioned, and I don't feel like they go together with Jacqueline very well. My mom went by Jackie in life, but that doesn't seem right either.”
She ended the post by pleading to fellow Reddit users to either help her come to terms with the names or find some reasonable alternatives.

In the comments, people tried their best to help her remedy the situation. One person suggested: “June could represent JUdith and JacqueliNE.”
One user made a more dramatic proposal, writing: “Get couples counselling with your husband. It must be stressed that her getting your mother's name was only because she died. Try refocusing him by asking about his grandma's names. Maybe one of them is OK.
“Also. impress upon him that the child already gets a name from him ( assuming you give them his last) and that you both should pick a fresh first name together. Has he been this overly dedicated to his mom before (is he a momma's boy)? It might be emotions leading to the birth but get a counsellor to help guide these conversations.”
Another added: "I'd go with a different J name. Honours both women and to you, it can be more for your mum. Remember - it doesn't need to 'mean' the same thing to everyone."
A slightly more sensible route came from one user, who wrote: “You have a stalemate; find new names that don't involve relatives. Start fresh. And congrats!”