The New Moon April 2023 is the second Aries New Moon of the year and as it coincides with eclipse season - you'd better be prepared for one hell of a ride.
Another month, another Aries New Moon? As you may remember, on the first day of the Spring Equinox 2023, the Sun and Moon aligned to usher in the astrological new year with a very powerful and very lucky New Moon March 2023 in Aries.
With it, the stars beckoned us to feel the thrill and rush of a dramatic new undertaking to match the energy of the cosmos, as planets were shifting and moving into entirely uncharted territories.
Any manifestations or goals we initiated then were infused with that bold, fresh start energy. If you for some reason missed your chance to harness its magical essence, the stars are once again aligned to bring us another Aries New Moon. But this one has its own unique signature to it – and it’s one you’re certainly going to pay attention to as it's also doubling as a Solar Eclipse.

The thing about eclipses in astrology, is that they're a cosmic shakeup. The difference between a New Moon and Full Moon is that New Moons are prime times for manifesting. As this current Solar Eclipse coincides with a New Moon, it’s all about new plans.
Interestingly enough, the New Moon April 2023 has the air of endings infused throughout it. That’s because this lunation is culminating at 29 degrees of Aries, the last degree of the sign of the Ram. With the Nodes of Fate in the very early degrees of Scorpio and Taurus, the Sun and Moon are creating an out-of-sign conjunction with the lunar nodes all while also forming a tense square to paradigm-shifting Pluto.
Action will be required of us – or in some cases, forced upon us – and it will likely have to do with moving swiftly from one beginning to another in a way we didn’t anticipate.

Think of it like the cosmos reminding us that for us to grow, we must leave something behind. That for every new beginning, there had to be an ending. And that if you’re as willing to invite change into your life, you may have to be willing to let go of something. In doing so, you allow for that transformative change to occur – however reluctant you are to let go. Eclipses have a way of showing us that the Universe will release something for us if we cling to that which no longer serves us.
Just as Aries season 2023 is coming to a close, welcoming Taurus season 2023 - this important date in the Moon calendar 2023 says ready or not - here I come. Taking place on April 20, 2023, at 12:12 AM EST, here's how the New Moon April 2023 will affect you depending on your star sign.
For the most accurate reading, look at your sun or rising sign according to your astrology birth chart.

With the New Moon April 2023 activating your first house of self for the second time in a month, you’re being given another dose of transformative change. But as you embark on this New You, stop and ask if you’re changing for the sake of change – or because you really want this. Is boredom motivating your sense that something should be different? Is it a game of comparing yourself to others and thinking you need to catch or keep up? For changes you initiate to last, they must come from a desire deep inside of you. No one can make you change but yourself – and that is a good thing if you know how to harness that, Aries.
With the cosmos activating your twelfth house of the subconscious for the second time in a month, the New Moon April 2023 is asking you to expose yourself, to yourself. What are the ways that your own self-limiting beliefs stop you from going after what you want? What if you change the narrative in your own head and ask what you could accomplish or what you would do if you let go of the story you’ve told yourself about why you can’t or why it won’t work out? Bringing awareness to the neural pathways that have been created, likely since childhood, is how you embody Aries energy to forge a new way forward, Taurus.
Gemini, if you find that social media is making you feel worse after you engage with it, it may be time to transform your participation within it. With the New Moon April 2023 activating your eleventh house of networks, understand the power you give away by creating stories behind the pixels you see. Indeed, there is a story behind every post – but it’s likely one that you’ll never know the full context behind. Don’t allow yourself to get lost in gossip, comparison games or all-or-nothing thinking. There’s a whole world out there that’s not reflected in your newsfeed – and you’re being invited to explore that world.
What has come up for you over the last month in terms of your career, Cancer? With the New Moon April 2023 in your tenth house of public fame, power struggles have likely bubbled up where you work. But remember that sometimes the greatest display of power is not through force or manufactured hierarchies. Sometimes you show your power by not giving it away to those that would drain it from you. Focus on what you can control. Know when you’re giving something your all – and when your energy is better conserved focused on what you know is worthwhile. Leave the rest behind. You’re building your legacy here – and your reputation.
One of the most freeing things to realize in life, Leo, is that it’s OK to be wrong. With the New Moon April 2023 in your ninth house of beliefs, you may have confronted situations, particularly over the last month, where you’ve been shown that what you believed to be true was in fact, not. But that was not the pivotal moment that the stars presented to you – what is important is what you chose or are choosing to do with that information. You can always double down and insist. Or you can allow yourself the freedom to surrender to new possibilities – new ways of doing, thinking, and believing. And deciding which way is not only more spiritually fulfilling – but more fun.
There’s still time to wipe the slate clean, Virgo. Think about your intimate interactions over the last month – and notice where they got intense or uncomfortable. With the April New Moon 2023 in your eighth house of karmic debts, your job is to notice where there is resistance. Perhaps there’s a situation or person you’re avoiding because you fear the discomfort of having to speak your truth – or hear theirs. Putting it off won’t make it any easier. Whether you owe someone an apology or are owed one, the stars are calling for collection. Face the truth bravely. That’s how you move forward. That’s how you heal.
Love has been on your mind for the better part of the month, Libra, as all these planets are activating your seventh house of partnership. Now with this second New Moon in this house – and doubling as a Solar Eclipse no less – you’re being called on to be brave in love. That means, yes, putting yourself out there, whether you’re single or in a committed partnership. Putting yourself out there means boldly advocating for what you want and know you deserve. It means being an equal partner in your relationship – not anyone’s sidekick or placed on any sidelines. It means knowing your worth and your power and not allowing anyone, not even yourself, to compromise those.

You are not a prisoner to your schedule, Scorpio. Not if you don’t choose to see it that way at least. With the April New Moon 2023 taking place in your sixth house of daily routines, you’ve been invited by the stars to transform how you look at your habits. With this second dose of this energy being activated, it’s like the stars are asking - so, have you? It’s not about adding daily meditations or exercise to your list of chores – not if you don’t want to. But it is about finding time in your day, purposeful time that is, intentional time, to do what you love and to do what you know will bring you release. Make time for who and what matters – which ultimately, is yourself and your own joy.
They say opportunity doesn’t knock twice – but luckily for you, it does. So what will you do with your sacred blessing? With the New Moon April 2023 activating your fifth house of fun and pleasure, you’re being gifted with divine inspiration. Yes indeed, the proverbial muses have paid you a visit – so have you made time to listen to them? To jot down that brilliant thought? To make something you’re proud of? To do something you love? To intentionally enjoy your leisure time. This isn’t about making time for a hobby – but taking pleasure in it, allowing it to enrich your life in more ways than one.
Capricorn, you have another New Moon in Aries activating one of the most private sectors of your chart – the fourth house of home and family. It’s the part of yourself that not many get to see and when they do. Because this lunation is a Solar Eclipse, expect that the feelings about where you belong – and who you belong to or with – will be extra sensitive right now. It’s likely that intense emotions will bubble to the surface which could be activating some core wounds. If you feel like you’re facing the same power struggles repeatedly, instead of going it alone, see if you can’t problem solve together this time.
You’re brimming with great ideas, Aquarius. But are you sharing them? With another New Moon in Aries, your third house of communication is being activated yet again – and it’s begging you to put yourself out there. That means your thoughts, your ideas, your beliefs, and your daily musings are all rife with inspiration, not only for yourself but for others. You’re the free-thinking sign of the zodiac and that means you have a cosmic obligation to share what you believe because your thoughts can transform others around you. Yes, that means your words carry a lot of weight, but you’ve been bestowed with this power by the cosmos. Use it wisely, yes, but use it as you must!
The stars are highlighting your relationship with money for the second time in a month, Pisces. Have you been noticing where they’re urging you to act? With the New Moon April 2023 taking place in your second house of earned income, money-making opportunities you may not have taken a chance at could reappear at this time – and now you have to do something about it. This is major go-getter energy, even if it means taking some calculated risks. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Follow your instincts about where to invest your time, energy, and money. Listening now will pay off big later.