The New Mexico Supreme Court issued one opinion from Feb. 27-March 5. As of March 5, the court issued four opinions in 2023—the same amount at this point a year ago. The opinion is below:
From Feb. 27-March 5, state supreme courts issued 135 opinions nationally. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court issued the most with 39. Supreme courts in 19 states issued the fewest with zero. Courts where judges are elected have issued 83 opinions, while courts whose members are appointed have issued 52.

The New Mexico Supreme Court is the state’s court of last resort and has five judgeships. The current chief of the court is Shannon Bacon. The court issued 27 opinions in 2022 and 34 in 2021. Nationally, state supreme courts issued 9,243 opinions in 2022 and 10,133 in 2021. The courts have issued 1,361 opinions in 2023. Courts where judges are elected have issued 864 opinions, while courts whose members are appointed have issued 497. New Mexico is a Democratic trifecta, meaning Democrats control the governorship and both chambers of the state legislature.
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