New safety measures are in place at Stoke-on-Trent's biggest shopping centre as it prepares to welcome customers today.
Intu Potteries, in Hanley, has been partially open throughout lockdown to allow some of its essential retailers to remain open.
Now dozens of other shops are set to reopen at the centre today.
A host of new measures have been introduced at the centre to ensure visitors are as safe as possible.
This includes adapting existing footfall-monitoring technology so that capacity can be monitored accurately. It will also manage queues outside the centre when capacity is reached.
Other measures include a one-way system, floor stickers and queues outside stores as well as enhanced hygiene regimes that were introduced at the start of the outbreak, with more deep cleaning of key areas and touchpoints like escalators, toilets and keypads.
Hand sanitation stands will also remain at entrances and other locations the centre for visitors to use during their visit.
Speaking to StokeonTrentLive, centre director Alison Niven said: "The focus for us has been around making sure we have got full plans and safety measures in place so when we welcome visitors, staff and our teams back to the centre it is safe and welcoming.
"Firstly, not all of the entrances will be open but everywhere will be clearly signposted.
"Some of the car parking bays have been taken out to allow social distancing measures and, bathroom facilities will still be available to encourage regular hand-washing, in addition to the hand-sanitising stations we have installed at the centre.
"However, the ladies toilets will now be unisex to ensure everyone has access to a cubicle.
"We have got an enhanced cleaning regime in place, particularly at touch points and floor markings have also been installed on the mall floor to clearly show visitors where they need to go.
"There is a one-way system in place where everyone will be encouraged to move in an clockwise direction.
"During the busier times, we will need to monitor the number of visitors in the centre, so some shoppers might find that they have to queue before they come into the centre and that they then need to queue again outside the shop if it is approaching maximum numbers."
Alison added: "We have done everything we can to make sure that we have measures in place, at all areas within intu Potteries, so visitors, staff and our teams can feel safe and secure when they come back to us.
"We are aware people might feel a bit anxious and we hope we have done everything we can to ensure they have a pleasant shopping experience. We cannot wait to welcome everyone back."