A RED light speed camera will begin its vigil over a Charlestown intersection from next Monday, Transport for NSW has confirmed.
The camera, at the intersection of the Pacific Highway and Madison Drive, is designed to improve safety.
"We know that running red lights can lead to serious T-bone crashes or vehicles hitting pedestrians," Tara McCarthy, Deputy Secretary of Safety, Environment and Regulation at Transport for NSW, said. "About 30 per cent of red-light speed camera offences are from people running red lights so we are addressing this problem head-on."
The intersection was the scene of one non-casualty crash this year, authorities said, but recorded three crashes between 2017 and 2021. One of those crashes caused serious injuries.
"Road crashes claimed the lives of 275 people on NSW roads last year with speed the biggest killer," Ms McCarthy said. "This red-light speed camera will help to reduce risk in Charlestown."
A recent review of speed cameras found fatal and serious injury crash rates fell by 35 per cent at intersections where red light speed cameras were installed. The same review found pedestrian casualties dropped about 60 per cent.
The camera will be signposted, and will run in warning mode for the first month.
Drivers caught during that time will be sent a warning letter rather than a fine. Revenue raised by the cameras goes to the Community Road Safety Fund, which is spent on upgrades for NSW roads.