New Hampshire State Representative Mike Moffitt expressed his support for Nikki Haley's candidacy in a recent interview. Moffitt emphasized the importance of Haley performing well in the upcoming race, stating that she needs to come close and ideally be within single digits to consider it a win. Moffitt believes that if Haley falls short by less than 10 percent, it would still be viewed as a successful outcome.
When discussing the Republican Party's current state, Moffitt conveyed a desire for better alternatives than the current president. He praised Haley as a younger candidate without baggage who could potentially defeat Joe Biden. Moffitt expressed concern over the current frontrunner, labeling him as someone with multiple impeachments and 91 indictments, implying that he carries significant baggage that does not befit a leader.
The conversation also touched on the events of January 6th and the subsequent reference to the participants as 'hostages' by a potential Republican nominee. Moffitt strongly disagreed with this term, asserting that those involved were criminals who broke into the Capitol, and his preference would have been for them to be arrested.

Regarding endorsements from other dropped-out candidates, Moffitt expressed disappointment in the quick endorsement of Donald Trump by Governor DeSantis, who had previously seemed indecisive. However, if Haley were to endorse Trump as the nominee, Moffitt admitted he would understand, but he hoped that Haley could secure the nomination.
When discussing his potential vote in the election, Moffitt displayed conflicted views. Despite acknowledging concerns about Trump's baggage and statements regarding January 6th, he still noted that he would likely vote for him as he believes the Democrats would be worse. However, he reiterated his hope to have the opportunity to cast his vote for Nikki Haley.
As the interview concluded, Moffitt emphasized his horror at the actions of the Biden administration and expressed his hopes for a positive outcome in support of Haley. The interview showcased Moffitt's candid opinions on the candidates and the current state of the Republican Party, shedding light on his perspective as a New Hampshire State Representative.