Members of An Garda Síochána will be getting a new uniform for the third time since they were founded.
Guards will start getting the updated uniforms this week with Dublin gardaí being the first to nab the upgrade.
The uniforms will be sent to over 13,000 gardaí, sergeants and inspectors across over 560 stations during the next few weeks.
They are designed to be contemporary with durability, protection and functionality in mind after a recent survey showed that front-line guards wanted a more practical uniform.
The new uniform will become the day-to-day outfit for gardai from March.

An Garda Síochána is approaching the 100th anniversary of its establishment but this is only the third time they have updated the uniform.
It will include a two tone soft shell jacket, a two tone waterproof jacket, a garda blue polo shirt, operational trousers and practical base layers.
This is the first time that the operational uniform will feature the garda crest.
The same cap will continue to be used. The organisation will also embrace the wearing of official headwear for religious and cultural reasons and beliefs including Turban, Kufi, Topi, Kippah, or Hijab.
In a letter to gardaí, the Commissioner of An Garda Síochána said that he hoped that the uniform would further increase their sense of pride.
Drew Harris said: "It is my hope that in receiving this new uniform, it will further enhance your sense of pride in being a member of An Garda Síochána as you go about your day-to-day duties.
"Projecting a professional appearance and wearing the uniform of An Garda Síochána with the deep respect it deserves are important because they underscore our overarching mission: Keeping people safe."

The Garda Representative Association welcomed the launch of the more contemporary uniforms.
GRA President Frank Thornton said: “While our members have yet to receive delivery of the new uniforms, the feedback from the divisions where it has been piloted has been positive.
“The Garda Representative Association would welcome any moves to make our uniforms more comfortable as well as practical, progressive and suitable to modern policing.”
More pictures of the uniform can be seen here.
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