Never give up, never surrender! Perhaps in time for the beloved film's 25th anniversary in 2024, this latest effort could be the charm that finally gets a "Galaxy Quest" TV series off the ground with the help of Paramount Plus.
Originally released on Christmas Day in 1999, "Galaxy Quest" was an affectionate nod to "Star Trek"-like space adventure series with its heartfelt parody of modern-day TV actors reliving the glory years of their '80s cult space opera at geeky conventions, autograph sessions and cheesy retail store openings.
Per Variety, a new effort to develop a fresh TV series based on the old "Galaxy Quest" flick has been put into motion by development teams at Paramount+ and Paramount Television Studios. Could this be the one?
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When Thermian aliens arrive thinking them to be the real deal, the fictional crew of the NSEA Protector enters the intergalactic fray against the ruthless warlord Sarris who wants control of a weapon called the Omega 13, a mysterious device briefly referenced in the Galaxy Quest show.
Directed by Dean Parisot, this hilarious homage to sci-fi flicks and vintage outer space television programs of yesteryear was a certified fandom favorite, then and now, and starred Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver, Alan Rickman, Tony Shaloub, Sam Rockwell, and Daryl Mitchell.
Since the new TV series reportedly in development is still in the very early stages, no casting decisions or showrunner choices have been released. Mark Johnson, the original "Galaxy Quest" co-producer with Charles Newirth, is officially attached to this nostalgic project as executive producer so we'll have to see how it plays out.
Earlier endeavors to deliver a "Galaxy Quest" TV series have been met with frustration and disappointment, with few attempts making it much further than being stuck in development hell with an assortment of screenwriters. Back in 2015 Amazon Studios made a strong effort with plans to gather the original cast, but that ended after the untimely demise of star Alan Rickman in 2016.
By Grabthar's Hammer, we can only hope that Paramount Plus has better luck this time and that we'll soon be announcing more encouraging news of a "Galaxy Quest" TV series, so stay tuned!