Fans have been looking for an obvious “comet” type lead-in to season 5 of Fortnite, but even now in week 5, nothing like that has appeared yet. There are tiny things here and there, a monster footprint, a bunker in Wailing Woods, but nothing concrete.
So, we’re relying on some smaller clues to try and piece together a larger puzzle. Today, a new Fortnite video posits that something big is in the works, but it’s something most casual players aren’t going to notice like the comet.
We have seen large trucks cleaning up pieces of the meteor from the various craters all around the map including Tilted, the prison and of course, Dusty Divot. But now most of those trucks are on the move, changing location as Epic updates the map in minor ways from week to week.
The theory, as presented in this reddit video, is that the inevitable destination of all these truck caravans, which are carrying hop rocks and meteor chunks, is the villain base outside Snobby Shores. The ones from the soccer stadium seem like they’re clearly on that track, but this theory gets a bit wobbily when you try to track say, the ones from Risky Reels which would have to make a number of very specific turns to get to Snobby, which is a lot of assumptions.
But my thought on this is….why would Epic be having these trucks full of meteor fragments be moving at all if there wasn’t an ultimate destination in mind?
It seems like a pretty specific thing to keep updating week to week, and I have to believe that it’s happening with some larger plan taking shape. The other half of this theory is that the trucks are all taking the meteors to the base in service of using them to power up the rocket in the villain base. That could mean that either A) the rocket could be used to travel to space to cue some sort of alien-themed season 5 or B) the rocket could be a missile, and used to blow up some new section of the map ahead of season 5, creating perhaps a post-apocalypse theme instead. Though admittedly, both of these were season 4 theories a while ago when we didn’t know what was going to happen with the comet.
And all of this conflicts with something we learned earlier this week, the supposed fact that all of these heroes and villains are not real, but instead actors in a blockbuster film that is being shot all of the map, particularly in the Moisty Mire film set. A leaked week 6 loading screen showed all the heroes and villains relaxing on set after filming a big battle scene, standing in front of the Snobby Shores villain base. It is…difficult to tell exactly what’s going on in the “story” of Fortnite in any given time thanks to twists and turns like this, so I’m not entirely sure what to make of any of this. My other theory was that we were seeing two separate things happening, one was the government/a corporation cleaning up the meteor fragments and drilling something out of the main piece at Dusty, and this was separate from the superhero blockbuster. But if these trucks are heading toward the villain base, now I guess I don’t know what to think.
Anyway, I enjoy theorizing about all this. I’ll admit that this has been a lot more complicated than “will this or won’t this comet hit the map” like we saw last season, but that almost makes it more fun to try to puzzle out. What do you think is going on?
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