Leanne Holmes has been elected as president of Hunter Workers for the next two years.
Ms Holmes, a Rail Tram and Bus Union representative, replaces outgoing president and Independent Education Union organiser Carlo Rendina who was elected in 2021 after being a delegate for 25 years.

Transport Workers Union representative Mick Forbes, Teachers Federation representative Jack Galvin Waight and Electrical Trades Union representative Brad McDougall were appointed as vice presidents at the organisation's recent annual general meeting.
Paul James (PSA) Cory Wright (AMWU) and Mick Forbes (TWU) are trustees.
Teresa Hetherington (UWU) has been appointed as Women's Committee chair.
Ms Holmes is a national vice president of the Australian Rail Tram and Bus Industry Union and is the union's director of organising.
Her role involves negotiating national enterprise agreements with companies in the rail sector. She recently secured the RTBU's first-ever enterprise agreement with an above-rail labour hire operator.
Ms Holmes has been a member of the RTBU for 20 years and began her career as a bus driver with the State Transit Authority in Sydney and then in Newcastle.
She was previously the Chair of the Hunter Workers Women's Committee.
"I could not be more honoured to be elected as only the fourth ever woman president in the Hunter Trades Hall 154 years, and the first from the mighty RTBU," Ms Holmes said.
"I loved being the chair of the Hunter Workers Women's Committee. Some of my proudest union moments were achieved in the role and I am so excited to see Teresa Hetherington elected as the new chair.
Hunter Workers secretary Leigh Shears said he was honoured and excited to work with the newly elected officials.
"Together we will continue the work of the previous years representing the interests of all working people across our region, building our campaigning capacity and influence, encouraging the growth of union membership across all industries"